UMBC CMSC 313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language, Fall 2004, Section 0101

Lecture Topics

Each topic below is a link to a web page that contains an expanded topics list for the lecture that day and source code for any programs shown during lecture. The page for each lecture will be updated after the actual lecture is given.

The slides column for each lecture has a link to the slides for that lecture (in PDF). A preview of the slides is available for some lectures. However, last minute changes and schedule slippage might result in different slides being presented. The actual slides presented from lectures that have past are labeled "actual".

Date Topic Slides M&H Reading Neveln Reading Assign Due
Th 09/02 Introduction & Overview actual 1.1-1.8 1.1-1.6    
Tu 09/07 Data Representation I actual 2.1-2.2, 3.1-3.3 2.4-2.7, 3.6-3.8 HW1  
Th 09/09 Data Representation II actual        
Tu 09/14 i386 Assembly Language I actual   3.10-3.13, 4.1-4.8 HW2 HW1
Th 09/16 i386 Assembly Language II actual   6.1-6.5 Proj1  
Tu 09/21 i386 Assembly Language III actual       HW2
Th 09/23 i386 Assembly Language IV actual     Proj2 Proj1
Tu 09/28 Examples actual        
Th 09/30 Project Discussion actual     Proj3 Proj2
Tu 10/05 Compiling, Assembling & Linking actual 5.1-5.3 5.1-5.7    
Th 10/07 Subroutines actual   7.1-7.4    
Tu 10/12 The Stack & C Functions I actual        
Th 10/14 The Stack & C Functions II actual 7.7 8.1-8.8 Proj4 Proj3
Tu 10/19 Virtual Memory intended*   9.1-9.8    
Th 10/21 Interrupts actual 7.6     Proj4
Tu 10/26 Midterm Exam
Th 10/28 Introduction to Digital Logic actual A.1-A.3 3.1-3.3 DigSim1  
Tu 11/02 Transistors & Logic Gates actual A.4-A.7      
Th 11/04 Circuits for Addition actual 3.5   HW3 DigSim1
Tu 11/09 Combinational Logic Components actual A.10      
Th 11/11 Circuit Simplification actual B.1-B.2   HW4 HW3
Tu 11/16 Flip Flops I actual A.11      
Th 11/18 Flip Flops II actual     DigSim2 HW4
Tu 11/23 Finite State Machines actual A.12-A.13, B.3      
Th 11/25 Thanksgiving break
Tu 11/30 Finite State Machine Design actual     HW5 DigSim2
Th 12/02 Registers & Memory actual A.14-15, 7.1-7.5      
Tu 12/07 Cache Memory, I/O actual 7.6, 8.1-8.3   DigSim3 HW5
Th 12/09 System Performance actual 10.1-10.7      
Tu 12/14 Review actual       DigSim3
Tu 12/21 Final Exam 10:30am-12:30pm

* Slides that would have been shown if the projector in ITE 227 was working.

Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024 11:29:41 EDT by Richard Chang
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