UMBC CMSC 313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language, Fall 2004, Section 0101
Circuit Simplification
Thursday 11/11, 2004
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Assigned Reading in Murdocca & Heuring: B.1-B.2
Assigned Reading in Neveln:
Assigned: HW4
Due: HW3
Slides (in PDF): Slides20.pdf
Topics Covered:
- Continued discusion on Karnaugh maps (K-maps).
- Notes on the limitations of Karnaugh maps.
- In general, circuit minimization is a very difficult problem.
(E.g., if we can minimize circuits quickly, we can crack passwords.)
- Several K-map examples done on the white board (not on slides).
- Higher dimensional K-maps are needed for functions of 5 &
6 variables (not really practical).
- Quine-McCluskey tabular algorithm for circuit minimization.
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:29:42 EDT
Richard Chang
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