Master Preparation II: Spring 1996

All games and positions are now available in xboard format.

  1. February 7, 1996. Strategic advantages in the middlegame: Time, space, and center control (Lecture by UMBC Chess Coach Igor Epshteyn)

  2. February 14, 1996. Good versus bad pieces: Knight on the sixth rank (Ilya J. Smirin)

    Note: Grandmaster Smirin will give a simultaneous exhibition at 1pm, Saturday, February 17, 1996, in the UMBC University Center Ballroom Lounge. Everyone is welcome to play or watch.

  3. February 21, 1996. Two bishops in the middlegame. (Epshteyn)

  4. February 28, 1996. Highlights from the Kasparov vs. Deep Blue Match Match. (Epshteyn)

  5. March 6, 1996. The closed center: Static pawn chains in the Spanish. (Epshteyn)

  6. March 13, 1996. The closed center: Static pawn chains in the King's Indian. (Epshteyn)

    March 20, 1996. No class--spring break. Note: The UMBC Open is Saturday-Sunday, March 16-17. Grandmaster Smirin intends to play in this 5-round Swiss system tournament.

  7. March 27, 1996. Demolition of closed center. (Epshteyn)

  8. April 3, 1996. Converting middlegame advantages. (Guest lecture by Senior Master William Morrison, 1995 Maryland Chess Champion.)

  9. April 10, 1996. Playing against hanging pawns. (Epshteyn)

  10. April 17, 1996. Typical plans in half-closed positions.

  11. April 24, 1996. Doubled pawns in the Spanish exchange.

  12. May 1, 1996. Bishops of opposite color in the middlegame.

  13. May 8, 1996. Combining positional advantages in the middlegame.

  14. May 15, 1996. Simultaneous exhibition by Senior Master William Morrison (USCF 2509). Class meets in ECS 025 (note change in location). Games will begin promptly at 8:30pm EST. Spectators welcome.