(Principal or Co-Principal Investigator, unless otherwise noted)
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Workshop on Human-Machine Integrated Formations, CO-PI, $52,285, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, 2024-2025.
- Optimizing Knowledge Graph Reasoning for High-Performance Computing Environments, CO-PI, $290K, DoD, 2023-2025.
- Agile Life-cycle Management of Data Exchange Standards: PI, $139K, NIST, 2021-2022.
- Collaborative Research: EAGER SaTC-EDU: Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: From Research to the Classroom, PI, $220K, NSF (#2114892), 2021-2025.
- ProCure Enhancing Information Assimilation for COVID19 like Events, PI of UMBC portion, in Collaboration with GE Research, IARPA, 2020-2021.
- OnRamp II Reseaech, PI, $250K, DoD, 2020-2021.
- Life-cycle Management of Shop-Floor-to-Top-Floor Manufacturing Services, PI, $135K, NIST, (#70NSNB20H029), 2020-2021.
- OnRamp II Program, PI, National Security Agency, 2020-
- Life-cycle Management of Trustworthy Shop-Floor-to-Top-Floor Manufacturing Services, PI, $132K, NIST (#70NANB19H025), 2019-2020.
- SBIR Phase II: SunDIAL: Slot DIscovery And Linking, $113K, NSF (#1758600), 2018-19, subcontractor to RedShred Inc.
- Delegated Access Control using Attribute-Based Encryption, ONR, CO-PI (K. Joshi PI), $220K, 2017-2021
- Methods and Tools for Crowdsourced, Model-Driven Messaging Specification Standards in Manufacturing Integrations, PI, $195K, NIST (#00012145), 2017-19
- IPA Agreement, DoD, $32K 2017-18
- Research Gift from Northrop Grumman, PI, $50K, 2017
- Accelerated Congitive Cybersecurity, Research Gift from IBM, CO-PI, 2016-19
- STTR Phase I: SunDIAL: Slot Discovery And Linking, CO-PI, $225K, NSF IPP, 2016 #1549697
- IPA Agreement, DoD, $24K, 2016-16
- Populating Knowledge Bases with Information Extracted from Text Documents, IBM Faculty Award, $40K, 2015
- Automatically Generated Semantic Annotations, CO-PI, $100K, Maryland Industrial Partnerships, 2015-16
- Ensuring Secure Cloud Services using Policy Based Approaches, CO-PI, $333K, Office of Naval Research, 2015-18
- Semantic Open Information Extraction for RFPs, PI, $100K, Maryland Industrial Partnerships (#5423), 2014-15
- Semantic Modeling for Smart Manufacturing Architecture and Solution Stack, PI, NIST (#70NANB14H269), $396K , 2014-17
- EarthCube Building Blocks: Collaborative Proposal: GeoLink - Leveraging Semantics and Linked Data for Data Sharing and Discovery in the Geosciencese, CO-PI, NSF, $417K, 2014-17. #1440202
- EAGER: Collaborative Research: EarthCube Building Blocks, Leveraging Semantics and Linked Data for Geoscience Data Sharing and Discovery, PI, NSF ICER, $75K, 2013-14. #1354693
- ACTIVE (Active Computing Teaching and InnoVation Environment) Center, CO-PI, $19K, UMBC Hrabowski Fund for Academic Innovation, 2013.
- TWC: Medium: Collaborative Proposal: Policy Compliant Integration of Linked Data, NSF SaTC (#1228198), PI, $400K, 2012-15. #1228673
- EAGER: T2K: From Tables to Knowledge, NSF CISE IIS, CO-PI, $200K, 2012-14. #1250627
- Information-rich programming for semantically enriched web tables, PI, Microsoft, $50K, 2012-13
- CDI-Type II: GLOBE: Evolving New Global Workflows for Land Change Science, CO-PI, NSF CISE CNS, $1.93M, 2011-15 #1125210
- Workshops on Distributed Infrastructure for Security Monitoring and Intelligence Extraction, PI, NSF CNS, $50K, 2009-11 #0956569
- NetSE: Large: Collaborative Research: Platys: From Position to Place in Next Generation Networks, PI, NSF CISE IIS, $700K, 2009-13 #0910838)
- Inferring the semantics of structured and unstructured data, Microsoft External Research, $100K, 2009-10
- Understanding RSM: Relief Social Media, Office of Naval Research (subcontract from Lockheed Martin), $135K, 2009-11
- A Framework for Managing the Assured Information Sharing Lifecycle, PI, Multi-disciplinary University Research Initiative, AFOSR, $7.5M, 2008-13
- Policy-based WAN Configuration and Management, DARPA Phase II STTR with Shared Spectrum Company, $224K, 2008-2009
- Funding for U.S. students to Attend the 2008 International Semantic Web Conference, CO-PI, NSF; $20K, 2008-2009 #0831017
- Travel Support for U.S.-Based Students to Attend 8th International Semantic Web Conference, PI, NSF, $20K, 2009-10 #0942320
- Modeling influence, bias and information flow in Social Media, PI, Google, $60K, 2008-09
- Modeling bias, influence and information flow in social media, PI, Microsoft Research, $55K, 2008-09
- CT-T: Collaborative Research: A Semantic Framework for Policy Specification and Enforcement in a Need to Share Environment, PI, NSF, $50K, 2007-08. #0716627
- SPINTEL:Information Quality for the Intelligence Analysis, Lockheed-Martin Advanced Technology Laboratory, $40K, 2007
- Policy-based WAN Configuration and Management, DARPA Phase I STTR with Shared Spectrum Company, $40K, 2006-07
- National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) and UMBC Invasive Species Collaboration Project, US Geological Survey, $5K, 2005
- Supporting Large Scale Computational Research in Autonomic Systems, Bioinformatics and the Environmental Sciences, CO-PI, IBM, equipment award, 2005
- Context Aware Surgical Training, University of Maryland Medical Center, PI, $168K, 2006-2008
- Trauma Pod middleware, DARPA (via University of Maryland Medical System), PI, $200K, 2005-07 link
- Indexing and retrieving semantic web documents, PI, Fujitsu Labs of America, $20K, 2005
- Computational Support for Research in Large-Scale Autonomic Systems, Bioinformatics, and Environmental Sciences, CO-PI, IBM Shared University Research, equipment award, 2004
- Research support for task computing, PI, Fujitsu Labs of America, $56K, 2004-05
- ITR: Science on the Semantic Web: Prototypes in Bioinformatics, PI, NSF, 2003-08, $2.35M #0326460
- ITR-SemDis: Discovering Complex Relationships in Semantic Web, CO-PI, NSF, $453K, 2003-05 #0325172
- Trust and security for the Semantic Web, PI, NSF, $240K, 2003-06 #0242403
- Research in pervasive computing, PI, Fujitsu Labs of America, $15K, 2003
- An Eclipse IDE for Security, Trust and Privacy Policies, CO-PI, IBM, $25K, 2003
- Research on advanced information systems for mobile computing, the semantic web and bioiformatics, CO-PI, IBM Shared University Research, equipment award, 2003
- National Science Foundation, Profile Driven Architecture for Data Management in Pervasive Environments, CO-PI, $153,190, 2002-05. #0209001
- National Science Foundation, Agent Oriented Approaches to a Ubiquitous Grid, CO-PI, $480,726, 2002-05 #0203958
- Intelligent agents for electronic service registration, discovery, and negotiation, PI, Hewlett Packard, 2002, $30K
- NGS: Workshop on Manufacturing Software Integration Research: Status and Future Directions, National Science Foundation, CO-PI, $20K, 2001-02
- Intelligent agents for electronic service registration, discovery, and negotiation, Hewlett Packard, 2001, $30K
- Research in Agent Communication Languages, Fujitsu Corporation, $30K, 2000-01
- Home Automation Service Discovery, Aether Systems Inc, CO-PI, $133K, 2000
- Dynamic Negotiation Agents in Mobile Computing, NSF, PI, $174K, 2000-03. #0070802
- DAML Tools for supporting Intelligent Information Annotation, Sharing and Retrieval, DARPA, $2M, 2001-06 link
- Research in Agent Communication Languages, Fujitsu Corporation, $40K, 1999-00
- Coordinated Agent Test and Demonstration Environment, PI, subcontract to Global InfoTek for DARPA COABS program (BAA98-01), $460K, 1998-01
- Research in Agent Communication Languages, Fujitsu Corporation, $40K, 1998-99
- Extended Enterprise Coalition for Integrated Collaborative Manufacturing Systems, PI, $775K, 1998-00. NIST ATP/TIMA program
- Security for software agents, PI, $50K, DoD, 1997-8
- Computer Integrated Knowledge Systems, PI, $50K, NIST, 1997-98
- An agent-based framework for integrated intelligent Planning-execution, PI. $900K, NIST ATP/TIMA, 1996-99
- A Capability Package Supporting Evolutionary Views of Lifecycle Versions, Elements and Rationales, CO-PI. $160K, DARPA, 1996-99
- An Agent-based Architecture for Large-Scale Document Information Systems, CO-PI, $260K, DoD, 1994-97
- A Study to Assess the Usefulness of Cyc in a Mediated Architecture, CO-PI. DoD, $50K, 1995-96
- Research on Unitree Mass Storage System, $31K, NASA/USRA, 1994-95
- Intelligent Integration of Knowledge-based Systems, PI, $160K, DARPA, with Unisys & SUNY Buffalo, 1994-96
- Study and Evaluation of Persistent Object Base Systems, $159K, NIST, 1994-96
- Research on Digital Libraries and Computer Systems Performance, $67K, NASA, 1993-94
- AASERT Grant for Intelligent Agent Protocols, $70K, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 1993-95
- Intelligent Agent Protocols, $109K, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 1992-95
- A Development Environment for Spoken Language Systems, $1K, UMBC DRIF, 1992
- Persistent Storage Technology for Planning and Scheduling, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA/ISTO) and Rome Laboratory, $2.5M, 1993-95
- Intelligent Database Interface for Knowledge-Based Planning and Scheduling, DARPA/ISTO and Rome Air Development Center, $1.5M, 1991-93
- Human-Machine Interface Tools, internal research and development project, Unisys Custom Systems Div., 1989
- Intelligent System Server, IRAD, Unisys Custom Systems Div., 1989
University of Pennsylvania
- An Expert System for the Design of Injection Molded Packaging, CO-PI, Benjamin Franklin Partnership, $50K, 1987
- Artificial Intelligence Research and Training, Internal Revenue Service, CO-PI, $300K, 1987-88
- Research in Natural Language, CO-PI, DARPA and ONR, $2.1M 1986-89
- Apple Development Grant, equipment grant of $8K, 1986
- Techniques for the Acquisition and Maintenance of Knowledge Bases, Digital Equipment Corporation, 1986-87, $60K
- An Interactive CAD/CAM System for the Engineering Design of Injection Molded Plastic Parts, co-PI, $300K, Scott Paper Company, 1986-87
- Distributed Expert Systems, PI, $75K, Army Research Office, 1986-87
- Equipment Grant, Apple, $10K, 1986
- Artificial Intelligence Research and Training, Internal Revenue Service, co-PI, $300K, 1985-86
- HP Prism Grant, Hewlett-Packard, CO-PI, Equipment Grant, $3.3M, 1985-88
- Apple Development Grant, Apple, $6K, 1985
- Scheme Software and Hardware, Texas Instruments, $6K, 1985
- IBM Faculty Development Award, $100K, 1983-84
- Natural Interfaces to Expert Systems, Equipment Grant, Hewlett-Packard Research Partnership Program, co-PI, $140K. 1983
- A Knowledge Based Approach to Intelligent Interactive Help Systems, NSF Research Initiation Grant, $100K, 1982-84, #8120252