Tim Finin
Curriculum Vitae, January 15, 2025

Tim Finin
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore MD 21250
voice:+1-410-455-3522, fax:+1-410-455-3969
finin@umbc.edu, https://umbc.edu/ finin

Research Interests

Artificial intelligence, knowledge graphs, natural language processing, machine learning, and their applications to information systems, security, social media, and pervasive computing


Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Illinois, 1980. dissertation: The Semantic Interpretation of Compound Nominals (advisor: D. L. Waltz)

M.S. in Computer Science, University of Illinois, 1977. thesis: An Interpreter and Compiler for Augmented Transition Networks (advisor: D. L. Waltz)

S.B. in Electrical Engineering, MIT, 1971. thesis: Three Problems in Analyzing Scenes (advisor: P. H. Winston)


1991- Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
2023- Director, UMBC Center for Artificial Intelligence
2017- Willard and Lillian Hackerman Chair in Engineering
2007- Affiliate Scientist, JHU Human Language Technology Center of Excellence
2014-2015 JHU Human Language Technology Center of Excellence (sabbatical leave)
2007-2008 JHU APL and Human Language Technology Center of Excellence (sabbatical leave)
1999-2002 Director, UMBC Institute for Global Electronic Commerce
1991-1995 Chair, UMBC Department of Computer Science

1987-91 Technical Director, Knowledge Based Information Processing, Unisys Center for Advanced Information Technology, Paoli PA

1987-91 Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania

1980-87 Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania

1974-80 Research Assistant, Research Associate, Coordinated Science Laboratory, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

1977 Visiting Research Staff, Computer Science Department, IBM. Research Laboratory, San Jose

1971-74 Research Staff, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT

Awards and Honors