Master Preparation II:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Is there a minimum USCF chess rating required for this course?
    No. The course is geared for the serious tournament player who would like to improve his or her game. The course is targeted primarily at players rated 1800-2200, but anyone is welcome to attend. People rated significantly below 1800 may find the course too advanced.

  2. Is it necessary to have taken Master Preparation I in order to take Master Preparation II?
    No. All lectures in Master Preparation II will be given so that students can follow even if they did not take Master Preparation I.

  3. Is there any required homework?
    No. Optional suggested exercises will be offered weekly.

  4. How can I purchase the Master Preparation videos?
    Video tapes of the lectures are available for purchase from UMBC Continuing Education. Contact Kathleen Virden (, tele. (410) 455-2336, Fax (410) 455-1074).

  5. How can I gain Mbone access? The easiest way is to contact a computer expert at a local University or business that has Mbone access. You need a unix workstation with appropriate interent access (ISDN line or better). It is possible to buy ISDN service from your local telephone company for your home for about $40/month. You also need the free sd software. See our www pages for more info.