2008 SIAM Conference on Data Mining
IBM Almaden Research Center
Intelligent Information Systems Research (aka. Quest) group
designs information systems that enable the preservation of the
privacy and ownership of data while not impeding the flow of
information. Our work is motivated by the technical challenges
posed by the ever-changing computing landscape, whose success is
predicated on protecting the privacy, security, and integrity of
interactions between individuals and enterprises as well as
between enterprises. We do fundamental and "visionary" research
that closely ties with applications, i.e. identifying and
studying new frameworks, models, methodologies, opportunities.
We ground our work in the Healthcare Informatics space and
ensure that our research is applicable across a myriad of other
industries. We believe that research must have impact, on the
enterprise and on humanity. Thus, we strive to ensure that our
work is not only applicable to real problems, but also
theoretically sound.
If you are interested in sponsoring the workshop, please contact
the workshop co-chairs.*