I am currently working at Yahoo! Labs as a Scientist, focusing on
problems related to
computational advertising (e.g., behavioral targeting).
Before joining Yahoo, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at
IBM Almaden Research Center
(01/2007-06/2009) working on
social-network analysis and
text analytics.
My contributions to these projects have won me five IBM Invention Achievement
Awards (five patent filings) , one IBM Invention Plateau Award and one IBM Bravo
I received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Maryland
Baltimore County (USA) in 2007, and a B.S. in Computer Science from Nankai
University (China) in 2001. My research interests include privacy-preserving
data mining, social-network analysis, text analytics, distributed data mining
and statistical machine learning. I have authored or co-authored 20+
peer-reviewed papers and book chapters in these areas. I regularly serve on the
program committee of many data mining conferences (e.g., KDD, ICDM, PKDD, PAKDD), and as a reviewer of many
scientific journals (e.g., IEEE TKDE, ACM TKDD). I am also maintaining the
Privacy-preserving Data Mining (PPDM) Bibliography, one of the most popular PPDM paper repositories in the research
community. Please visit my research webpage for more information.