
Latest news:

July 30, 2018:

We won the NASA Honor Awards for Group Achievement

June 28, 2018:

Paper on Amazon modeling got accepted at PPSN 2018

April 10, 2018:

Will be participating in an NASA MUREP grant review

April 1, 2018:

Will be participating in an NSF review panel on astroinformatics

March 10, 2018:

Will be giving a keynote at the 15th International Conference on Information Technology:New Generations at Las Vegas

January 3, 2018:

I am serving as a Senior PC member in the Applied Data Science Track of KDD 2018


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I am currently the Machine Learning Task Manager and Senior Research Scientist at USRA working in the Data Sciences group at NASA Ames Research Center, California. Most of my current research effort is directed towards developing large scale data mining and machine learning algorithms to solve problems in the earth sciences, aviation safety, computational sustainability, and graph structure analysis.

I graduated with a PhD in Computer Science from University of Maryland Baltimore County in 2009. My PhD research, guided by Dr. Hillol Kargupta, focused on developing a game-theoretic framework for privacy preserving distributed data mining.

My research interests include