Joshi, Anupam, On Mobility and Agents , DIMACS Workshop on Mobile Networks and Computing, March 1999.
Joshi, Anupam, On Proxy Agents, Mobility, and Web Access , Tech. Report 99-02, CSEE Department, UMBC.
Bharadvaj, H., Joshi, Anupam, and Auephanwiriyakul, S., ``An Active Transcoding Proxy to Support Mobile Web Access", Proc. 17th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, October 1998.
Subramanyam, V. and Joshi, Anupam, "Security in Mobile Systems", Workshop on Security in Large Scale Distributed Systems, IEEE SRDS '98.
Vass, J., Yao, J., Joshi, Anupam, Palaniappan, K., and Zhuang, X., "Interactive Image Retrieval over the Internet", Workshop on Multimedia Networking, IEEE SRDS'98
Joshi, Anupam, Punyapu, C. and Karnam, P., "Personalization & Asynchronicity to Support Mobile Web Access", Workshop on Web Information and Data Management, CIKM '98
Joshi, Anupam, Weerawarana, S., and Houstis, E.N, ``On Disconnected Browsing of Distributed Information", Proc. 7th IEEE Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering RIDE, April 1997.
Kavasseri, R. , Keating, T. Wittman, M., Joshi, Anupam and Weerawarana, S., ``Web Intelligent Query - Disconnected Web Browsing with Collaborative Techniques'', Proc. First IFCIS Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems.
Joshi, Anupam, Weerasinghe, R., Mcdemott, S., Tan, B., Bernhardt, G. and Weerawarana, S., "Mowser: Mobile Platforms and Web Browsers'', Bulletin of the TCOS, IEEE Computer Society.
Drashansky, T., Weerawarana, S, Joshi, Anupam, Weerasinghe, R. and Houstis, E., "Software Architecture of Ubiquitous Scientific Computing Environments", ACM - Baltzer Mobile Networks and Nomadic Applications, 1:4, 1996.
Jiang, H., Helal, A., Elmagarmid, A.K., Joshi, Anupam, ``Scene Change Detection for Video Database Management Systems - A Survey'', accepted for publication in ACM Multimedia Journal.
Drashansky, T., Joshi, Anupam, Weerawarana, S. and Houstis, E., ``SciencePad: Scientific Computing in a Ubiquitous Environment'', Intl. J. Microcomputer Applications, 15:3, 1996.
Joshi, Anupam, Drashansky, T, Houstis, E and Weerawarana, S. , ``SciencePad: An Intelligent Electronic Notepad for Ubiquitous Scientific Computing'', Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Information Management Systems, Washington, D.C., 1995, pp. 107-110.
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