UMBC CMSC 491/691-I Fall 2002 |
Last updated: 2 September 2002 |
Assignment: To write a program that performs simple lexical analysis of its input. To use that output to compile some summary statistics of a small text collection.
Goal: To get some basic exposure to the text operations needed for Phase I of the project.
Due Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2002.
You will write a program that reads a document collection, tokenizes the text into words, and generates some basic statistics about the collection. In particular, your program will output the following:
As we discussed in class, there are a number of ways to extract index terms from the document text. Accordingly, in order to make sense of the statistics above, you must say what you indexed and how. In particular:
This assignment will use the Reuters-21578 collection (sometimes just called "Reuters" or "Reuters '87"). This collection is a standard tool for measuring text classification systems: programs that learn to classify documents into a fixed set of categories. The documents in the collection are news stories from the Reuters newswire from 1987. This collection is about 25MB in size, making it easy to work with on modern hardware. You'll find the collection on the CS systems at:
In this directory you will find a number of files. Please read the README.txt file; it contains vital information for understanding the file formats and contents. The documents themselves are contained in the "reut2-xxx.sgm" files.
The collection is marked up using an SGML format which is described more fully in the README.txt file. Briefly,
You will turn in a listing of your program, the answers to the nine questions listed above, and your graph. If you write more than one program, hand in them all. If you use a shell pipeline, put it in a shell script with some comments. Please make sure your name is on every page and that everything is stapled securely together.
Read some of the articles to get a feel for the collection.
Examine the terms you are finding closely. You will likely find some surprising exceptions to your rules!
What you write for this homework will be very useful as you begin the main semester project. Think about making your code reusable, documented, and modular. A filter-style of programming (where a program takes plain text on the standard input and produces (modified) text on the standard output) is useful here.
You can do a lot of this assignment with the UNIX programs we discussed in lecture 1. If you do, document your effort! I can't count the number of UNIX pipelines I've dreamt up, lost, and then had to recreate later on.