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We built a class to store the geometrical data of the plant and to render the geometrical data by perspective projection. This method ensures that the three dimensional pixel is moved closer to the vanishing point as its distance to the viewer increases(Figure gif).

Figure 3: Perspective projection in Model class

We used Z-buffering to decide which pixel of the overlapped objects is visible to the camera. In addition to the image pixel array, an additional array of z values is created for the image. This array can be used to remember the actual depth of each pixel plotted. If the previous pixel was farther away according to its z-buffer value, then we plot the new pixel and preserve its depth in the z-buffer array.

Normally, not all the surfaces in the three-dimensional object are parallel to each other, which means they will face the camera at different angles. Therefore, we change the intensity of each surface according to this angle. To find the correct angle between the light and the surface, we also have to calculate the normal vector of every surface. If is the normal vector of a surface and is the vector describing the direction of the light source, then the intensity of the light is given as the cosine of the angle between these two vectors: (refer to Figure  gif)

Figure 4: Shading in Model class

To cast a shadow from the light source to the ground, we imagine a set of lines for all vertices in the object, each line passing through one vertex and the light source. Where this line hits the ground plane, a shadow vertex is formed so we can then draw the projected shadow polygons using a color darker than the ground plane.

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Tong Lin (