CMSC 491A / 691A:
Real-time Graphics and Procedural Techniques
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Autumn 2000
Time: MW 3:30-4:45pm ECS 022
Dr. David S. Ebert 214 ECS
Office Hours: M,W 1:00-1:50pm
This course will cover state of the art techniques for generating
realistic real-time graphics and procedural techniques for real-time
graphics, visualization, and modeling. The class will cover topics
ranging from realistic rendering techniques for games, next-generation
PC graphics hardware, and game consoles ($400 supercomputers!) to
non-photorealistic procedural techniques for enhancing visualization
and simulating natural phenomena.
The format for the course will be group discussions of papers,
some lectures by the instructors, and student presentations of papers.
The grading will be based on participation in class and class projects.
Class projects may be done individually or in groups of two. Projects have the
potential of leading to work that forms the basis of an Undergraduate
Research Project, Master's project, or Ph.D. research topic.
Class Topics
A partial list of topics includes the following:  
- State of the art in graphics hardware (Weeks 1-2)
- Latest hardware architectures for PCs
- Latest hardware architectures for workstations
- Latest hardware architectures for game consoles
Procedural shading techniques for PC graphics hardware(Weeks 3-5)
- vertex operations
- fragment processing
- programming register combiners
- multi-pass techniques
- Stanford real-time shading language
- Procedural visualization techniques (Weeks 6-9)
- volume illustration
- procedural texturing for visualization
- non-photorealistic visualization (npv)
- Simulating Natural Phenomena (Weeks 10-12)
- real-time issues and approximations
- clouds, smoke, steam
- fractals
- L-systems
- wave, water and ocean models
- Particle system techniques (Week 13)
Real-time Visualization techniques (Week 14)
Tentative Schedule
Class Projects:
Students will work on semester long class projects with several
milestones. The projects may be done individually or in groups of
2. More information can be found here.
Students will read and discuss seminal and current technical research papers. A list of readings (in progress and subject to frequent
update) will be available shortly. .
None Required, but the following are
The following books may also be useful as references.
- Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, Foley,
van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, Addison Wesley, 1993.
- Advanced Renderman : Creating Cgi for Motion Pictures (Computer
Graphics and Geometric Modeling), Anthony A. Apodaca, Larry Gritz 1999.
Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis, Cohen and Wallace, AP Professional
Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, Andrew Glassner, Morgan Kaufman
Grades will be assigned on the basis of class paper presentations and
discussions (20%) and class projects (80%).
Contact David Ebert, ebert@cs.umbc.edu
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Class Notes |
Class Project |
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Reading List