UMBC CMSC441, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Fall 1999, Section 0101
Old News
[Tue, 16 Nov 1999 16:42]
Homework 9 (Due Nov 23):
Ex 23.1-6, p. 468
Ex 23.2-8, p. 477
Ex 23.3-6, p. 484
[Tue, 16 Nov 1999 16:40]
Project Submission Notes
Turn in a hard copy of your report by Thursday. Please do not include
source code in your report (too heavy to carry around).
Submit your source code and a small data file (<100k) using the submit
command on GL:
submit cs441-01 project file1 file2 ...
You should include the files needed to compile and run your program on the
small data file.
If I need to do anything unusual to compile and/or run the program,
please include the instructions in a README file. If your project does not
compile and/or run on GL, please make that clear in a README file.
If you need a day to clean up your code before submitting it, that's
fine. Turn in your report in class, go home, go to sleep and submit the
source code on Friday.
[Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:02]
The final exam will be given on Thursday December 16,
1:00pm to 3:00pm. Contrary to previous announcements, this
final exam will not be a joint final exam with section 0201.
[Sun, 19 Sep 1999 22:39]
The syllabus has been revised. Due dates
for HW2, HW3 and HW4 are pushed back. Due dates for HW5-11 remain the same.
Compare with the original syllabus.
[Tue, 31 Aug 1999 13:30]
Prof. Chang's office hours are rescheduled for the week of
September 6-10. Office hours for this week will be Wednesday
10:30am - 11:30am and Thursday 10:00am - 11:00am. Normal office
hours will resume the next week.