UMBC CMSC441, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Fall 1999, Section 0101

Course Syllabus (Updated 11/10/99)

We will follow the textbook Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest. The following schedule outlines the material to be covered during the semester and specifies the correpsonding section of the textbook.

Note: This is the re-revised syllabus. The syllabus shows the new due date for the project. The due dates for Homeworks 9-11 have been pushed back. Also, the topics after Exam 2 has been rearranged.

Date Topic Reading Due
Th 09/02Asymptotic Notation1.1-2.2
Tu 09/07Summations3.1-3.2
Th 09/09Recurrences4.1-4.2HW1
Tu 09/14Master Theorem4.3-4.4
Th 09/16No Class - Hurricane Floyd
Tu 09/21Heap Sort7.1-7.5HW2
Th 09/23Quicksort8.1-8.4 
Tu 09/28Lower Bounds on Sorting9.1-9.4HW3
Th 09/30Linear-Time Selection10.1-10.3 
Tu 10/05Review, Project Assigned HW4
Th 10/07Exam 1  
Tu 10/12Red-Black Trees14.1-14.4 
Th 10/14Hashing12.1-12.4HW5
Tu 10/19Greedy Algorithms17.1-17.3 
Th 10/21Dynamic Programming16.1-16.4HW6
Tu 10/26Local vs Global Optimization  
Th 10/28Dynamic Programming HW7
Tu 11/02Dynamic Programming  
Th 11/04Review HW8
Tu 11/09Exam 2  
Th 11/11Introduction to Graphs23.1 
Tu 11/16Breadth-First & Depth-First Search23.2-23.3 
Th 11/18Topological Sort23.5Project
Tu 11/23Connected Components24.1-24.2HW9
Th 11/25Thanksgiving Break  
Tu 11/30Disjoint Sets22.1-22.3 
Th 12/02Minimum Spanning Tree24.1-24.2 
Tu 12/07Shortest Paths25.1-25.4HW10
Th 12/09Shortest Paths26.1-26.2 
Tu 12/14Review HW11

Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024 11:29:15 EDT by Richard Chang
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