operator, unary:
Section 3.5.7
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5,
Section 7.9.3
, Here token:
Section 3.5
, prefix:
Section 3.1,
Section 3.4.1,
Section 7.13.2
Section 3.5.6
Section 4.10.2
Section 4.7.2
Section 3.5.6,
Section 4.3.2
Section 4.1.4
Section 4.1.5
Section 4.1.5
Section 4.1.3
Section 3.5.3
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.6
Section 4.3.3
operator, binary:
Section 3.5.5
operator, unary:
Section 3.5.7
operator, binary:
Section 3.5.5
operator, unary:
Section 3.5.7
symbol prefix:
Section 3.9,
Section 4.3.2
Section 3.5.6
Section 3.5.6
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.4
MASM syntax:
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.5.2
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.1
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.7
parameter count:
Section 4.3.5,
Section 4.3.6
Section 4.3.7
Section 4.3.10
16-bit mode, versus 32-bit mode:
Section 6.1
64-bit displacement: Section 11.2
64-bit immediate: Section 11.2
Section 2.1.21,
Section A.3.3
Section 3.1
Section 10.3
Section 3.1
Section 10.3
Section 3.1
Section 10.3
Section 1.1.1,
Section 2.2,
Section 2.2.2,
Section 2.2.6
Section 3.3
Section 6.4,
Section 7.4.1
addition: Section 3.5.5
addressing, mixed-size:
Section 10.2
address-size prefixes: Section 3.1
algebra: Section 3.3
Section 4.12.12,
Section 5.2,
Section 7.1.2,
Section 7.4.1
, smart:
Section 5.2
Section 4.12.12
alignment, in
Section 7.1.2
alignment, in
Section 7.9.2
alignment, in
Section 7.4.1
alignment, in
Section 7.5.1
alignment, of
common variables:
Section 7.9.6
Section 5.2
Section 5.2
Section 8.1.1
Section 8.1.1
Section 2.1.24
Section 7.9.2
alternate register names:
Section 5.1
Section 1.1.1
Section 5.1
ambiguity: Section 2.2.3
, BSD version:
Section 7.11
, Linux version:
Section 7.10
Section 7.10
Section 7.11,
Section 9.2
Section 4.8.1
Section 8.4.5,
Section 9.1.4
Section 1.1.1,
Section 7.12
assembler directives: Chapter 6
assembly-time options:
Section 2.1.18
Section 4.1.7
Section 2.2.4
Section 4.12.11
Autoconf: Section 1.3.2
Section 1.3.1
Section A.3.3
Section A.3
bin: Section 2.1.2,
Section 7.1
bin, multisection: Section 7.1.3
binary: Section 3.4.1
binary files: Section 3.2.3
bit shift: Section 3.5.4
Section 6.1,
Section 7.1
Section 4.12.5
bitwise AND: Section 3.5.3
bitwise OR: Section 3.5.1
bitwise XOR: Section 3.5.2
block IFs: Section 4.7.6
boot loader: Section 7.1
boot sector: Section 12.1.3
Borland, Pascal: Section 8.5
Borland, Win32 compilers:
Section 7.4
braces, after
Section 4.3.9
braces, around macro parameters:
Section 4.3
BSD: Section 9.2
Section 7.9.2,
Section 7.10,
Section 7.11,
Section 7.12,
Section 7.13
bugs: Section 12.2
Section 12.2
Section 12.1.1
C calling convention:
Section 8.4.3,
Section 9.1.2
C symbol names: Section 8.4.1
Section 8.4.5,
Section 8.5.3
Section 9.1.4
Section 3.6
case sensitivity: Section 2.2.1,
Section 4.1.1,
Section 4.1.2,
Section 4.1.7,
Section 4.3,
Section 4.4.5,
Section 7.4.3
changing sections: Section 6.3
character constant:
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.3
character strings: Section 3.4.2
circular references:
Section 4.1.1
Section 7.4.1
Section 4.12
Section 7.7
colon: Section 3.1
Section 7.1,
Section 8.2
comma: Section 4.3.4
command-line: Section 2.1,
Chapter 7
commas in macro parameters:
Section 4.3.3
Section 4.11
Section 7.9.2
Section 6.7,
Section 7.4.1
to: Section 7.9.6
to: Section 7.4.8
Common Object File Format:
Section 7.7
common variables: Section 6.7
common variables, alignment in
Section 7.9.6
common variables, element size:
Section 7.4.8
Section 1.1.1,
Section 1.2
Section 8.3
concatenating macro parameters:
Section 4.3.9
concatenating strings:
Section 4.2.1
condition codes as macro parameters:
Section 4.3.10
conditional assembly: Section 4.4
conditional jumps:
Section 12.1.2
conditional-return macro:
Section 4.3.10
Section 1.3.2
constants: Section 3.4
context fall-through lookup:
Section 4.7.4
context stack: Section 4.7,
Section 4.7.6
context-local labels:
Section 4.7.2
context-local single-line macros:
Section 4.7.3
counting macro parameters:
Section 4.3.6
Section 6.8
Section 3.4.3
creating contexts: Section 4.7.1
critical expression:
Section 3.2.2,
Section 3.8,
Section 4.1.7,
Section 6.4
Section 2.1.18
Section 2.1.18
daily development snapshots:
Section 1.2
Section 7.9.2,
Section 7.10,
Section 7.11,
Section 7.12,
Section 7.13
Section 8.4.2
Section 7.9.5,
Section 7.13.3
data structure: Section 8.4.4,
Section 9.1.3
Section 4.12.7
Section 4.12.7
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.4,
Section 3.4.6
Section 7.14
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.4,
Section 3.4.6
debug information:
Section 2.1.12
debug information format:
Section 2.1.11
decimal: Section 3.4.1
declaring structures:
Section 4.12.10
Section 6.2
Section 7.9.5
default macro parameters:
Section 4.3.5
default name: Chapter 7
Section 7.4.7
Section 2.1.18,
Section 4.1.1
defining sections: Section 6.3
Section 4.1.8
Section 4.1.9
Section 4.6.3
design goals: Section 2.2.2
DevPac: Section 3.2.3,
Section 3.9
disabling listing expansion:
Section 4.3.11
division: Section 3.5.6
DJGPP: Section 7.7,
Chapter 9
Section 8.1.1
DLL symbols, exporting:
Section 7.4.5
DLL symbols, importing:
Section 7.4.4
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.4,
Section 3.4.6
DOS: Section 1.3.1,
Section 2.1.14,
Section 2.1.15
DOS archive:
DOS source archive: Section 1.3.1
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.4,
Section 3.4.6
Section 7.5.1
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.4,
Section 3.4.6
Section 2.2.7,
Section 3.2.5
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.4,
Section 3.4.6
Section 3.1
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.4
Section 2.1.20
Section 2.1.20,
Section A.3.4
effective addresses: Section 3.1,
Section 3.3
element size, in common variables:
Section 7.4.8
ELF: Section 7.9
ELF, shared libraries:
Section 7.9.3
ELF, 16-bit code and:
Section 7.9.7
elf, debug formats and:
Section 7.9.8
Section 7.9
Section 7.9
Section 7.9
Section 4.4,
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.3
Section 4.4.1
Section 4.4.8
Section 4.4.9
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.2
Section 4.4,
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.3
Section 4.4.1
Section 4.4.8
Section 4.4.9
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.2
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.7
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.7
Section 4.4
Section 8.4.5,
Section 9.1.4
Section 4.5
Section 4.12.10,
Section 6.4
environment: Section 2.1.28
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.4
Section 4.9
Section 2.1.24
error messages: Section 2.1.14,
Section 2.1.15
error reporting format:
Section 2.1.13
escape sequences: Section 3.4.2
Section 4.12.12
exact matches: Section 4.3.12
Section 7.4,
Section 8.1
Section 8.2.2
Section 8.1.2
Section 8.1.2
Section 7.9.2
Executable and Linkable Format:
Section 7.9
Section 8.1.2
Section 8.1.2
Section 4.5
Section 7.4.5
Section 7.13.3
exporting symbols: Section 6.6
expressions: Section 2.1.20,
Section 3.5
extension: Section 2.1.1,
Chapter 7
Section 6.5
to: Section 7.4.7
to: Section 7.13.4
extracting substrings:
Section 4.2.3
Section 2.1.11
Section 2.1.2,
Chapter 7
far call: Section 2.2.5
far common variables:
Section 7.4.8
far pointer: Section 3.6
Section 8.4.5,
Section 8.5.3
Section 4.9
Section 4.12.4
Section 7.4.1
flat memory model: Chapter 9
flat-form binary: Section 7.1
Section 6.9
Section 6.9
Section 3.4.6
Section 3.4.6
Section 3.4.6
Section 3.4.6
Section 3.4.6
Section 3.4.6
Section 3.4.6
Section 3.4.6
Section 6.9
Section 2.1.24
floating-point, constants:
Section 3.4.6,
Section 6.9
floating-point, packed BCD constants:
Section 3.4.7
floating-point: Section 2.2.6,
Section 3.1,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.6
Section 2.1.24
Section 6.9
Section 2.1.24
Section 2.1.24
Section 7.1.3
format-specific directives: Chapter 6
Section 5.3
frame pointer: Section 8.4.3,
Section 8.5.1,
Section 9.1.2
FreeBSD: Section 7.11,
Section 9.2
FreeLink: Section 8.1.1
Section 8.1.1
Section 7.9.5,
Section 7.13.3
functions, C calling convention:
Section 8.4.3,
Section 9.1.2
functions, Pascal calling convention:
Section 8.5.1
Section 2.1.12
Section 1.1.1
Section 1.1.1
Section 6.6
extensions to: Section 7.9.5
to: Section 7.9.5
to: Section 7.13.3
global offset table: Section 9.2
Section 7.9.3
Section 2.1.24
Section 7.9.3
Section 9.2.3
GOT: Section 7.9.3,
Section 9.2
Section 7.9.3
Section 9.2.2
Section 7.9.3
Section 9.2.1
Section 7.9.4
graphics: Section 3.2.3
greedy macro parameters:
Section 4.3.3
Section 7.4.2
groups: Section 3.6
Section A.3
hexadecimal: Section 3.4.1
Section 7.9.5
Section 2.1.24
hybrid syntaxes: Section 2.2.2
Section 2.1.16
Section 2.1.16,
Section A.3.3
Section 4.1.7
Section 4.1.1
Section 4.1.8
Section 4.1.9
Section 4.12.11
Section 4.4,
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.3,
Section 4.7.6
Section 4.4.1
Section 4.4.8
Section 4.4.9
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.2
Section 4.4,
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.3
Section 4.4.1
Section 4.4.8
Section 4.4.9
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.2
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.7
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.7
Section 5.4
Section 5.4.1
Section 5.4.1
Section 5.4.1
Section 5.4.1
Section 5.4.1
Section 4.3
Section 7.4.4
import library: Section 7.4.4
importing symbols: Section 6.5
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.3,
Section 3.4.4
Section 2.1.16,
Section 2.1.17,
Section 4.6.1
include search path:
Section 2.1.16
including other files:
Section 4.6.1
inefficient code: Section 12.1.1
infinite loop: Section 3.5
Section 3.4.6
infinity: Section 3.4.6
informational section:
Section 7.5.1
Section 1.3.2
installing: Section 1.3.1
instances of structures:
Section 4.12.11
instruction list: Appendix B
integer functions: Section 3.5.7,
Section 5.4
integer logarithms: Section 5.4.1
intel hex: Section 7.2
Intel number formats:
Section 3.4.6
Section 7.9.5
Section 4.12.11
iterating over macro parameters:
Section 4.3.8
Section 7.2
Section 4.1.2
Section 12.1.2
Section 10.1
jumps, mixed-size: Section 10.1
Section A.3.4
Section 2.1.3
label preceeding macro:
Section 4.3.7
label prefix: Section 3.9
last: Section 4.3.4
Section 7.9.2
Section 7.12
Section 7.9.2
Section 7.13.1
license: Section 1.1.2
Section 4.10.1
Section 4.12.4
linker, free: Section 8.1.1
Section 7.10
Section 7.12
Linux, ELF: Section 7.9
listing file: Section 2.1.3
little-endian: Section 3.4.3
Section 4.8.3
local labels: Section 3.9
Section 2.1.24
logical AND: Section 4.4.4
logical negation: Section 3.5.7
logical OR: Section 4.4.4
logical XOR: Section 4.4.4
Section 7.9.2
Section 2.1.4
Mach, object file format:
Section 7.8
Mach-O: Section 7.8
Section 7.8
Section 7.8
Section 7.8
MacOS X: Section 7.8
Section 4.3
macro indirection: Section 4.1.3
macro library: Section 2.1.16
macro parameters range:
Section 4.3.4
macro processor: Chapter 4
Section 2.1.24
macro-local labels: Section 4.3.2
Section 2.1.24
macros: Section 3.2.5
Section 2.1.24
Section 1.3.2
makefile dependencies:
Section 2.1.4,
Section 2.1.5
makefiles: Section 1.3.1,
Section 1.3.2
man pages: Section 1.3.2
map files: Section 7.1.4
Section 1.1.1
MASM: Section 2.2,
Section 3.2.5,
Section 7.4
Section 2.1.7
memory models: Section 2.2.5,
Section 8.4.2
memory operand: Section 3.1
memory references: Section 2.2.2,
Section 3.3
Section 2.1.6
Section 2.1.5
Microsoft OMF: Section 7.4
minifloat: Section 3.4.6
Minix: Section 7.12
Section 8.1.2,
Section 8.4.5,
Section 9.1.4
mixed-language program: Section 8.4
mixed-size addressing:
Section 10.2
mixed-size instruction:
Section 10.1
MMX registers:
ModR/M byte:
Section 7.13.2
modulo operators: Section 3.5.6
motorola s-records: Section 7.3
Section 2.1.10
Section 2.1.9
MS-DOS: Section 7.1
MS-DOS device drivers: Section 8.3
Section 2.1.8
multi-line macros:
Section 2.1.24,
Section 4.3
multipass optimization:
Section 2.1.22
multiple section names: Section 7.1
multiplication: Section 3.5.6
Section 4.3.8
multisection: Section 7.1.3
Section 3.4.6
NaN: Section 3.4.6
NASM version: Section 4.12.1
nasm version history: Appendix C
nasm version id: Section 4.12.2
nasm version string:
Section 4.12.3
Section 1.3.2
Section 7.4
Section 1.2
Section 2.1.28
Section 1.3.1
Section 2.1.2
Section 4.12.1
Section 4.12.1
Section 2.1.1
Section 4.12.1
Section 4.12.1
Section 4.12.1
Section 4.12.3
Section 4.12.2
Section 1.3.1
Section 1.3.2
Section 1.3.1
Section 1.3.1
ndisasm: Appendix A
Section 1.3.2
Section 1.3.1
near call: Section 2.2.5
near common variables:
Section 7.4.8
NetBSD: Section 7.11,
Section 9.2
new releases: Section 1.2
Section 7.9.2
Section 7.1.3,
Section 7.9.2
Section 7.9.2
Section 4.3.11
`nowait': Section 2.2.6
Section 7.9.2
Section 2.1.24
numeric constants: Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.1
Section 2.1.22
Section 2.1.1,
Section A.3.1
Section 3.1
Section 10.3
Section 3.1
Section 10.3
Section 3.1
Section 8.1
Section 7.4
Section 7.9.5,
Section 7.13.3
octal: Section 3.4.1
Section 7.14
Section 2.1.2
Section 2.2.2
OMF: Section 7.4
omitted parameters: Section 4.3.5
one's complement: Section 3.5.7
OpenBSD: Section 7.11,
Section 9.2
operands: Section 3.1
operand-size prefixes: Section 3.1
operating system: Section 7.1
operating system, writing:
Section 10.1
operators: Section 3.5
Section 7.1.1,
Section 8.2.1,
Section 8.2.2,
Section 12.1.3
Section 2.1.24,
Section 3.1
OS/2: Section 7.4,
Section 7.4.1
Section 7.9.1
other preprocessor directives:
Section 4.10
out of range, jumps:
Section 12.1.2
output file format: Section 2.1.2
output formats: Chapter 7
Section 4.12.6
overlapping segments: Section 3.6
Section 7.4.1
overloading, multi-line macros:
Section 4.3.1
overloading, single-line macros:
Section 4.1.1
Section 2.1.17
Section 2.1.17,
Section 4.6.1
paradox: Section 3.8
Section 8.5.3
Pascal calling convention:
Section 8.5.1
Section 4.12.9
passes, assembly:
Section 1.3.1
Section 2.1.16,
Section 4.6.2
period: Section 3.9
Perl: Section 1.3.1
perverse: Section 2.1.16
PharLap: Section 7.4.1
PIC: Section 7.9.3,
Section 7.11,
Section 9.2
Section 7.9.3
Section 7.9.3,
Section 9.2.4,
Section 9.2.5
plt relocations: Section 9.2.5
Section 4.7,
Section 4.7.1
position-independent code:
Section 7.9.3,
Section 7.11,
Section 9.2
Section 2.1.27
precedence: Section 3.5
pre-defining macros:
Section 2.1.18,
Section 4.1.1
preferred: Section 3.6
Section 2.1.27
pre-including files:
Section 2.1.17
preprocess-only mode:
Section 2.1.20
preprocessor: Section 2.1.20,
Section 2.1.21,
Section 3.2.4,
Section 3.5.6,
Chapter 4
preprocessor expressions:
Section 2.1.20
preprocessor loops: Section 4.5
preprocessor variables:
Section 4.1.7
primitive directives: Chapter 6
Section 7.4.1
Section 7.13.3,
Section 8.4.5,
Section 9.1.4
procedure linkage table:
Section 7.9.3,
Section 9.2.4,
Section 9.2.5
processor mode: Section 6.1
Section 7.1.3,
Section 7.9.2
program entry point:
Section 7.4.6,
Section 8.1.1
program origin: Section 7.1.1
Section 7.9.5
pseudo-instructions: Section 3.2
Section 6.6,
Section 7.4.1
pure binary: Section 7.1
Section 4.7,
Section 4.7.1
Section 3.4.6
quick start: Section 2.2
Section 3.1
Section A.3
Section 7.13
Section 1.3.2,
Section 7.13
redirecting errors:
Section 2.1.14
Section 3.3,
Section 6.2
relational operators:
Section 4.4.4
release candidates: Section 1.2
Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format:
Section 7.13
relocations, PIC-specific:
Section 7.9.3
removing contexts: Section 4.7.1
renaming contexts: Section 4.7.5
Section 3.2.5,
Section 4.5
repeating: Section 3.2.5,
Section 4.5
Section 4.7.5
reporting bugs: Section 12.2
Section 2.2.7,
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section 7.9.2
Section 4.3.8
rotating macro parameters:
Section 4.3.8
Section 2.1.15,
Section A.3.2
searching for include files:
Section 4.6.1
Section 6.3.1,
Section 6.4
Section 4.12.13
Section 6.3
to: Section 7.9.2
extensions to: Section 7.5.1
section alignment, in
Section 7.1.2
section alignment, in
Section 7.9.2
section alignment, in
Section 7.4.1
section alignment, in
Section 7.5.1
section, bin extensions to:
Section 7.1.2
Section 3.5.7,
Section 3.6,
Section 7.4
Section 6.3
to: Section 7.4.1
segment address: Section 3.5.7,
Section 3.6
segment alignment, in
Section 7.1.2
segment alignment, in
Section 7.4.1
segment names, Borland Pascal:
Section 8.5.2
segment override: Section 2.2.4,
Section 3.1
segments: Section 3.6
segments, groups of:
Section 7.4.2
separator character:
Section 2.1.28
shared libraries: Section 7.11,
Section 9.2
shared library: Section 7.9.5
Section 4.3.8
SIB byte:
signed division: Section 3.5.6
signed modulo: Section 3.5.6
single-line macros: Section 4.1
size, of symbols: Section 7.9.5
Section 5.2
Section 3.4.6
snapshots, daily development:
Section 1.2
Solaris x86: Section 7.9
Section 9.2.6
sound: Section 3.2.3
source code: Section 1.3.1
source-listing file:
Section 2.1.3
square brackets: Section 2.2.2,
Section 3.3
Section 7.3
Section 7.4.1
stack relative preprocessor directives:
Section 4.8
Section 4.8.2
standard macro packages: Chapter 5
standard macros: Section 4.12
standardized section names:
Section 6.3,
Section 7.5.1,
Section 7.9.2,
Section 7.10,
Section 7.11,
Section 7.12,
Section 7.13
Section 7.4.6,
Section 8.1.1
Section 7.1.3
Section 2.1.14
Section 2.1.15
Section 4.2.1
Section 3.7
string constant: Section 3.2.1
string constants: Section 3.4.4
string length: Section 4.2.2
string manipulation in macros:
Section 4.2
strings: Section 3.4.2
Section 4.2.2
Section 4.12.10,
Section 6.4,
Section 8.4.4,
Section 9.1.3
stub preprocessor:
Section 2.1.21
Section 4.2.3
subtraction: Section 3.5.5
suppressible warning:
Section 2.1.24
suppressing preprocessing:
Section 2.1.21
switching between sections:
Section 6.3
Section 7.9.3
symbol sizes, specifying:
Section 7.9.5
symbol types, specifying:
Section 7.9.5
symbols, exporting from DLLs:
Section 7.4.5
symbols, importing from DLLs:
Section 7.4.4
Section A.3.2
Section 7.1,
Section 8.3
Section 2.1.23
Section 1.1.1,
Section 2.1.23
tasm: Section 2.2,
Section 7.4
Section 7.9.2
Section 2.2.7
Section 7.9.2
Section 8.1.1
testing, arbitrary numeric expressions:
Section 4.4.4
testing, context stack:
Section 4.4.3
testing, exact text identity:
Section 4.4.5
testing, multi-line macro existence:
Section 4.4.2
testing, single-line macro existence:
Section 4.4.1
testing, token types:
Section 4.4.6
Section 7.9.2,
Section 7.10,
Section 7.11,
Section 7.12,
Section 7.13
Section 8.4.2
thread local storage:
Section 7.9.4
Section 4.12.7
Section 4.12.7
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.5,
Section 3.8,
Section 12.1.3,
Section 12.1.4
Section 8.2.2
Section 7.9.2,
Section 7.9.4
Section 7.9.4
trailing colon: Section 3.1
Section 2.2.7,
Section 3.1
type, of symbols: Section 7.9.5
Section 2.1.19
Section 2.1.19,
Section A.3
unary operators: Section 3.5.7
Section 2.1.19,
Section 4.1.6
undefining macros:
Section 2.1.19
underscore, in C symbols:
Section 8.4.1
Unicode: Section 3.4.2,
Section 3.4.5
uninitialized: Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
uninitialized storage:
Section 2.2.7
Unix: Section 1.3.2
Unix, SCO: Section 7.9
Unix, source archive:
Section 1.3.2
Unix, System V: Section 7.9
UnixWare: Section 7.9
Section 4.3.12
unrolled loops: Section 3.2.5
unsigned division: Section 3.5.6
unsigned modulo: Section 3.5.6
Section 2.2.1,
Section 7.4.3
Section 4.6.4,
Chapter 5
Section 4.12.8
Section 6.1.1,
Section 7.4.1
Section 6.1.1,
Section 7.4.1
Section 2.1.24
user-defined errors: Section 4.9
user-level assembler directives:
Section 4.12
user-level directives: Chapter 6
Section 4.12.7
Section 4.12.7
Section 4.12.7
Section 4.12.7
UTF-16: Section 3.4.5
UTF-32: Section 3.4.5
UTF-8: Section 3.4.2
Section 3.4.5
Section 3.4.5
Section 3.4.5
Section 3.4.5
Section 3.4.5
Section 3.4.5
Section 2.1.25
VAL: Section 8.1.1
valid characters: Section 3.1
variable types: Section 2.2.3
version: Section 2.1.25
version number of NASM:
Section 4.12.1
Section 7.1.3
Visual C++: Section 7.5
Section 7.1.3
Section 2.1.24
Section 2.1.24
Section 4.9
warnings: Section 2.1.24
Section 2.1.24
Section 2.1.24
Section 2.1.24
website: Section 1.2
Section 7.6,
Chapter 11
Win64: Section 7.4,
Section 7.5,
Chapter 9
Windows: Section 8.1
Windows 95:
Windows NT:
Section 7.9.2
writing operating systems:
Section 10.1
Section 3.6,
Section 7.4,
Section 7.9.3,
Section 7.9.4,
Section 7.11
Section 9.2.3
Section 9.2.2
Section 9.2.1
Section 9.2.5
Section 9.2.4
WWW page:
Section 1.3.1
Section 8.1.1
Section 8.1.1
Section 2.1.13
Section 8.1.1
x32: Section 7.9
Section 4.1.2
Section 2.1.26
Section 2.1.14