CMSC313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language Programming, Spring 2013

Project 3: Print Decimal Subroutine

Due: Tuesday March 5, 2013 11:59pm


The objective of this programming project is for you to practice writing an assembly language subroutine and to gain more experience with loop control.


For this assignment, you will write an assembly language subroutine that prints out a 32-bit unsigned number to standard output. The 32-bit value will be passed to your subroutine through the EAX register. Your subroutine must preserve all registers (i.e., any registers that you use must be saved on the stack and restored before you return). Your subroutine should do nothing else (not even print a linefeed).

To determine the values of the base 10 digits in the decimal representation of the number, you will use the division method (don't use repeated subtraction). The DIV instruction will divide the 64-bit value stored in EDX:EAX by the single 32-bit operand given. After the DIV instruction is executed, the quotient is stored in the EAX register and the remainder is stored in the EDX register. (See further discussion of the DIV instruction in Implementation Notes below.)

Implement your subroutine in a separate file. The entry point of your subroutine must be called prt_dec. The "main program" will reside in a separate file. A sample main program is provided for you (main3.asm), but you must make your own test program as well. Note: your test program must be in a separate file, otherwise your subroutine will fail to compile with the test program used for grading.

When you assemble your program, you must assemble each source file separately:

linux2% nasm -f elf -g main3.asm linux2% nasm -f elf -g prt_dec.asm linux2% ld main3.o prt_dec.o

Then, you can run the a.out file produced as usual. A sample run with the main3.asm file provided should look like:

linux2% ./a.out 0 4294967295 3413151 17 214123 2223187809 1555544444 2 plus 3 equals 5 7 plus 4 equals 3

Note: The graders will use a different main program to test your subroutine. Your test program should fully exercise your subroutine and check for cases that are not tested in main3.asm

Implementation Notes

Turning in your program

Use the UNIX submit command on the GL system to turn in your project. You should submit three files: 1) the assembly language program and 2) the typescript file of sample runs of your program. The class name for submit is cs313. The name of the assignment name is proj3. The UNIX command to do this should look something like:

submit cs313 proj3 prt_dec.asm mytest3.asm typescript

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