Assigned Reading in Murdocca & Heuring: B.1-B.2
Assigned Reading in Neveln:
Topics Covered:
In the Mealy model, when the reset button is pushed, the output is immediately "reset" to 00. Furthermore, the output does not remain 00 for a full clock cycle, since the flip-flops "latch" the 00 setting which makes the output 01 during the next clock cycle.
In the Moore model, the output is dependent only on the state bits and not the input bits. When the reset button is pushed, it sets the state bits to 00, but this does not change the output until the next cycle. During the next cycle, the output is 00 for the full duration of that cycle.
Circuits in DigSim:
Following these links will launch the DigSim Java applet and load the circuit described.