Paper/Tutorial | Comments |
counter example | Download and generate the .bit file through xilinx ISE Project Navigator flow to program the FPGA. The target fpga device is Virtex-5, XC5VL110T, package FF1136, Speed level -1. |
LED flash example | Download the project and generate the .bit file through xilinx ISE Project Navigator flow to program the FPGA. The target fpga device is Virtex-5, XC5VL110T, package FF1136, Speed level -1. |
VGA Rectangle on Spartan | learn the fundamental components of the Xilinx FGPA tools required to enter and assemble HDL code using a schematic entry tool and program an FPGA |
ML505 User Guide | You need to read this in order to know the FPGA pin locations for LED, switches and clock. |
Virtex-5 FPGA family | You need to read this document in order to get familiar with the resources available on the Virtex-5 FPGA. |
Quick reference for verilog | Helpful and handy verilog reference. |
Verilog according to Tom | Helpful intro to verilog. Please also read the accompanying notes. |
Isim Simulator | Steps for running Isim simulator, with Verilog example files nand_latch.v , nand_latch_tb.v . |
Isim Simulator User Manual | Complete Xilinx user manual for Isim simulator . |
*NEW* Xilinx Timing Constraints User Manual | Complete manual for adding timing constraints . |
*NEW* LDPC Journal, Mohsenin | Useful intro and sample hardware design for LDPC decoding. |
PhD thesis on LDPC decoding, Zhengya Zhang | Additional information on LDPC decoding pp.9-31. |
PhD thesis on FFT, Bevan Baas | Read Chapter 2 p.6-15 for more information. |
Number | Due Date | % Hwk/proj grade | Material covered and addiotional files |
1 | Sept. 18, 2:30pm | 7% | Binary arithmetic and conversion, verilog, UART interface testbench template testbench for UART Example Matlab file for sending the string |
2 | Thu, Oct. 9, 2:30pm | 15% | Part1:UART interface and image color change in FPGA, Part2: LDPC decoder simulation, Part 2:LDPC Decoder imageRGB2BW.m RGB2BW_FPGA.m uart_tb.v , parrot128.png , results_minsum.txt , sample matlab file for decoding in problem 3. The matlab file uses sign_tm and multbin functions , sign function , Sample matlab code for binary multiplication for sysndrome check , Sample top verilog file for the fullparallel LDPC decoder |
3 | First part due Tue, Nov. 4, 2:30pm | 15% | Part 1: Implementation of FFT module and verigifcation using ISIM simulator Part 2: FFT test with UART interface on ML505 FPGA board Sample design files |
4 | Phase 1 and part of Phase 2 is due Thu Nov. 21, | 20% | Final Project:Accelerometer frequency and amplitude analysis on FPGA hardware Provided design files and examples |
Date | Lecture | Topics |
Introduction | Course introduction, digital signal processing intro. | |
Verilog 1 | Verilog. | |
Sign extension | Number representation, Sign extension. | |
Verilog 2 | More on Verilog and Digital Design. | |
Squaring | Squaring. | |
Fixed Input Mults | Multipliers. | |
Notes on UART interface | Xilinx UART interface | |
Xilinx Manual on UART | Xilinx UART manual. | |
LDPC Decoding | LDPC decoding algorithm and architectures. | |
Matlab Example Results for LDPC Decoder | Matlab results for LDPC decoder example in the slides | |
FPGA Architectures | FPGA Comparison with ASIC and DSP Implementation. | |
FPGA Design Flow | FPGA design flow. | |
Pipelining | Pipelining. | |
ISE Synthesis and Place and Route Options | ISE Synthesis and Place and Route Options. | |
Xilinx Xpower Analyzer | Overview of Xpower Analyzer, starts from p.15. | |
fixedpoint conversion in matlab | fixedpoint conversion in matlab. | |
Saturation | Overview of Saturation in Verilog. | |
Rounding | Overview of Rounding in Verilog. | |
Sequential basics | Sequential Basics & Pipelining example. | |
Verilog Control | Control circuits in Verilog. | |
Statemachines | Finite State Machines. | |
Memories | Overview of memories and implementation. | |
Examples and FIFO | Examples and FIFO. | |
FFT Intro | Overview of FFT, and its derivation. | |
FFT Diagrams | FFT diagrams. | |
FFT Example from Book FFT Example solution | FFT Example. | |
FFT implementation and memory addressing | Overview of FFT and implementation, page 7-12. | |
More details on FFT implementation | FFT Implementation details | |
Manual on serial transmission | Overview of serial transmission. | |
Serial interface for FFT Diagram | Serial Interface block diagram. | |
Serial Transmission design files | Serial Transmission design files. | |
Memories | Memories. | |
dB | Description of dB. | |
Filter Coefficient | Filter Coefficient Design. | |
Filter Response | Filter Frequency Response. | |
FIR Scaling | FIR Scaling | |
Signal Mags | Signal Magnitudes. | |
Xilinx FFT Core generator | Xilinx FFT Core generator. | |
Cordic | CORDIC algorithm for trigonometric and Hyperbolic functions | |
Xilinx Core generator | Xilinx Core generator, example | |
Cordic Core generator | Xilinx Cordic Core generator | |
Upsampling and Downsampling | Upsampling and downsampling concepts by Deborah Goshorn at UCSD. |