Susan M. Mitchell, PhD
Senior Lecturer Emeritus
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250
Courses Taught at UMBC:
- CMSC 104 -- Problem Solving and Computer Programming
- CMSC 201 -- Computer Science I
- CMSC 202 -- Computer Science II
- CMSC 291 -- Continued Computer Science for Non-Majors
- CMSC 345 -- Software Design and Development
- CMSC 345H -- Software Design and Development (Industrial Partnership Section)
Current Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests:
- Software engineering
- Software process improvement (SPI)
- Knowledge management in SPI
- Qualitative research methods
- Software engineering education
Last Modified: Thursday, 28-Jan-2021 12:56:04 EST