CMSC-652 Cryptology: Supplemental Reading (spring 00)
I have requested that each of the following works
be placed on reserve reading at the Albin O. Kuhn Library.
- Menezes, van Oorshot, and Vanstone,
Handbook of Applied Cryptography,
CRC Press (1997).
- Stinson, Douglas,
Cryptography: Theory and Practice,
CRC Press (1995).
- Simmons, Gustavus, ed.,
Contemporary Cryptology: The Science
of Information Integrity,
IEEE Press (1992).
- McCurley and Ziegler, eds.,
Advances in Cryptology, 1981-1997:
Electronic Proceedings,
Springer (1998). CD.
- Schneier, Bruce,
Applied Cryptography,
Wiley (1994).
- Rivest, Ronald,
"Chapter 13: Cryptography" in
Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science,
Leeuwen, ed., MIT Press (1990).
- Rivest, Ronbald,
"Chapter 33: Number-Theoretic Algorithms"
in Introduction to Algorithms,
Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest,
MIT Press and McGraw Hill (1992).
- Kahn, David,
The Codebreakers: The Story of Secret Writing,
Weidenfeld and Nicolson (1967).
- Stallings, Wiliam,
Cryptography and Network Security:
Principles and Practice,
Prentice Hall (1999).
[Text for the undergraduate course CMSC-443 Cryptography.