1993-94 UMBC Chess Team
December 30, 1993, shortly after final Pan-Am round.
Kneeling (left to right): Sherman (Faculty Advisor), Byrum.
Standing (left to right): Stancil, Smith, Jones, Weerakoon.
1993 Pan-Am ``A'' Team
- Craig Jones (2200)
- Ishan Weerakoon (2185, FIDE 2210), former Sri Lankan Chess Champion
- Kimani Stancil (2068)
- Milton (Mack) Smith (1930)
- first alternate: Daniel Byrum (1350)
Manish Singh (1985) had qualified for fourth board of the team, but
failed to show the snowy morning the van left UMBC.
Average rating: 2096
1993 Pan-Am ``B'' Team
- Pavel Pasmanik (2137)
- Vinod Akunri (unrated)
- Predrag Tosic (unrated)
- Christopher Todd (1475)
- first alternate: James Goodwin (unrated)
Average rating: 1806
- UMBC lost to Johns Hopkins in late October (not Pan-Am Team).
- UMBC tied for third
out of 31 teams with a score of 4.5 out of 6
at the 1993 Pan-Am held
December 27-30, 1993, in Deland, FL.
The ``B'' Team finished with 3 points.
Faculty Advisor
Alan Sherman won the faculty prize, finishing second
in the Pan-Am Open with a score of 4.5 out of 6.