Chess Resources
Thanks to the generosity of the Cooper family, an extensive collection
of chess books is available at the UMBC Albin O. Kuhn library.
Baltimore-Area Chess Resources
- Maryland Chess Association (MCA). Publishes a newsletter
that lists local clubs and events.
Darwin Dave (President),, (310) 341-4655.
Robert Erkes (Vice-President for Clubs), (410) 625-2656.
Kurt Eschbach (Newsletter Editor),, (410) 360-6341.
Anthony O'Brien (Scholastic Coordinator), (301) 831-4613.
Tom Brownscombe (Secretary), (301) 422-2660.
U.S. Chess Center,
1501 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. (near White House),
Tele. (202) 857-4922. Excellent WWW site for local chess.
David Mehler (Director),, (310) 469-8434.
- Hillcrest Chess Club, Hillcrest Elementary School,
Frederick Rd. x Rt. 166 (South Rolling Road), Catonsville (near UMBC).
Meets Friday nights 7:30-11:30pm.
Daniel Elliott (410) 363-0210.
- Three popular places for down-to-earth chess in Baltimore City are:
- A & W Shoe Repair, 4718 Liberty Heights Ave. A popular
- The Chess Corner, War Memorial Plaza (behind City Hall).
Outdoor chess hustling noon to dusk-weather permitting.
- No Way Jose Cafe Chess Club, 1041-43 Marshall St., Murray,
(410) 539-6252. Open play, lessons, and tournaments in
restaurant/bar atmosphere.
Other Chess Resources