Master Preparation: Fall 1996

All games and positions are now available in xboard format.

  1. September 11, 1996. Typical plans for White in the Karlsbad I: Minority attack on the queenside and central breakthrough with e3-e4 (Lecture by UMBC Chess Coach Igor Epshteyn)

  2. September 18, 1996. Typical plans for White in the Karlsbad II: The modern approach of combining plans (Epshteyn)

  3. September 25, 1996. The Queen's Gambit structure: Pawn majority on the queenside against majority in the center (Epshteyn)

  4. October 2, 1996. Strategic ideas in piece-pawn centers I: The problem of the fianchetto bishop in Marocy-like systems (Epshteyn)

  5. October 9, 1996. Strategic ideas in piece-pawn centers II: Typical plans for White (Epshteyn)

  6. October 16, 1996. Pawns in tension I: Tension on both flanks in the closed Sicilian or English (Epshteyn)

  7. October 23, 1996. Pawns in tension II: Dynamic play in the Hedgehog system (Epshteyn)

  8. October 30, 1996. Positional sacrifice I: Pawn sacrifice in the double-pawn center Rauser system (Epshteyn)

  9. November 6, 1996. Positional sacrifice II: Trading material for positional gain (Epshteyn)

  10. November 13, 1996. Foreseeing a favorable ending I: Good versus bad bishop (Epshteyn)

  11. November 20, 1996. Foreseeing a favorable ending II: Good knight versus bad bishop (Epshteyn)

    November 27, 1996. No class--Thanksgiving eve.

  12. December 4, 1996. Tournament preparation: Soviet methods of chess training (Epshteyn)

  13. December 11, 1996. Simultaneous exhibition by Senior Master and 1995 Maryland Chess Champion William ``the exterminator'' Morrison (USCF 2509). Class meets in ECS 025 (note change in location). Games will begin promptly at 8:00pm EST. Spectators welcome.