UMBC Continuing Education in partnership with
The UMBC Chess Club presents

1997 UMBC Summer Chess Camp

June 23-27, 1997 (Monday-Friday)
9:30am-4:30pm daily

For students entering grades 5-12.
No prior experience in chess required.

With 1995 Maryland Chess Champion William ``the exterminator'' Morrison
Supervised study halls available 7:30-9:30am and 4:30-6:30pm.
Free daily roundtrip bus transportation to Baltimore City.
1996 Camp Flyer

To register, call UMBC Continuing Education: (410) 455-2336.

Twenty-eight students participated in the 1996 UMBC Summer Chess Camp led by Grandmaster Ilya J. Smirin (second from right), 1995 Maryland Chess Champion William ``the exterminator'' Morrison (rear center), and other members of the UMBC Chess Team. Steve Shutt (third from left) served as Managing Director.