UMBC Open Chess Tournament Saturday-Sunday, March 16-17, 1996 5-Round Swiss System in three sections: Open, Under 2000, Under 1500 Over $1,000 in Cash Prizes, 6 Grand Prix Points, USCF Rated. Spectators free and welcome. Sponsored by the UMBC Chess Club University of Maryland Baltimore County PLAYING SITE University Center Ballroom, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). 5401 Wilkens Ave., Baltimore, Maryland. Wheel chair accessible. No smoking. REGISTRATION 8:30-9:30am, Saturday, March 16. ROUNDS Saturday, March 16: 10am, 3pm, 8pm. Sunday, March 17: 10am, 3pm. Time Controls: 25 moves/60 mins, SD/60 mins. Tournament Director: Allen Beadle. ENTRANCE FEE $25 if received by March 7; $30 at site. Make checks payable to ``UMBC Chess Club''. USCF membership required (may be purchased at site for $35). Be sure to specify name and address, section, USCF rating, USCF ID number and expiration date. Send all advance entries to: Alan T. Sherman Dept. of Computer Science and EE UMBC Baltimore, MD 21228-5398, Attn: UMBC Open. PRIZES (based on 60 entries) Open Section (open to anyone): $250 ($200 unconditionally guaranteed), $150 ($100 unconditionally guaranteed), $100. Under 2000 Section (for players rated under 2000 or unrated): $150, $100, $50. Under 1500 Section (for players rated under 1500 or unrated): $150, $100, $50. No unrated may win more than $100 in the Under 1500 section. HOTEL Best Western, 6755 Dorsey Road, (410) 796-3300, $64/night. Mention chess. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Dr. T. Sherman, Faculty Advisor, UMBC Chess Club, (410) 455-2666, For info about the UMBC Chess Club, see Note: Grandmaster Ilya J. Smirin, who had intended to play, regrets that he will be unable to play. SWEET 16 PLAYOFFS The ``Sweet-16'' Playoffs Maryland Scholastic Chess Championship (by invitation only) will take place concurrently with the UMBC Open, with same round times and time controls. An awards ceremony is planned for 7:15pm, March 17, at which time the Scholastic Champion will receive a full four-year scholarship to UMBC. DIRECTIONS (from Interstate 95) Take exit 47B toward Catonsville (47A goes to BWI Airport). Follow signs to UMBC (Route 166 north). Turn left onto Loop Road. Park in lot 16, or anywhere along loop road. Note: There is a campus map on right, just before reaching loop road. --------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION To register, please fill out and mail the following registration form to: Alan T. Sherman Dept. Computer Science and EE UMBC Baltimore, MD 21228-5398 Attn: UMBC Open. Entrance Fee: $25 if received by 3/8; $30 at site. Name: Address: Address: USCF Rating (if any): Tele.: USCF ID Number: Exp. Date: Section (circle one): Open Under 2000 Under 1500 Affiliation: Amount enclosed (make checks payable to UMBC Chess Club):