1995-96 UMBC Chess Championship

5-Round Swiss System
Saturday-Sunday, October 7-8, 1995
University Center Ballroom

This tournament will select the 1995-96 UMBC Chess Teams and the 1995-96 UMBC Chess Champion. Anyone wishing to qualify for the 1995 Pan-Am Team must play in this tournament. Spectators are welcome.

Sponsored by the UMBC Chess Club.

Defending 1994-95 UMBC Chess Champion: Bella Belegradek (USCF 2068/17).


The UMBC Championship is open to all undergraduate and graduate UMBC students (full-time or part-time, degree-seeking or special students), who are registered for the fall 95 term. Students who intend to be registered UMBC students in spring 96 may be allowed to play in the tournament at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

Team Eligibility and Selection

Team eligibility varies depending on the event. To be eligible for the 1995 Pan-Am Team, you must be a registered degree-seeking student for the fall 95 or spring 96 term by December 27, 1995.

To qualify for the UMBC Chess Teams, you must play in the UMBC Chess Championship (Grandmasters and Senior Masters rated over 2500 excepted). The Championship will rank all potential team members after any excepted players. From this ranking, the top six players will form the first team; the next six players will form the second team. Each Pan-Am Team comprises four players and up to two alternates.

The Pan-American Intercollegiate Chess Championship is the foremost intercollegiate team chess championship in the western hemisphere. The 1995 Pan-Am Championship will take place December 27-30, 1995, in New York City. We expect to send two teams: four players + one alternate on Team A; four players + two alternates on Team B.


Friday, October 6, 4pm-6pm, UC Room 312
Saturday, October 7, 9am-9:30am, UC Ballroom


Saturday: 10am, 3pm, 8pm
Sunday: 10am, 3pm

Time Controls

First 20 moves in 60mins; then rest of game in 60 mins.

Entrance Fee

$10 ($5 if received by 6pm Friday October 6).


5-round Swiss System (everyone plays five games; noone is eliminated). USCF rules apply. Games are not rated. Each win counts one point; each draw counts 0.5 points; and each loss counts 0 points.

If you are not familiar with the ``touch-move rule'' or with the use of a chess clock, please contact the Tournament Director.


The winner will earn the title of ``1995-96 UMBC Chess Champion'' and his or her name will be engraved on a large perpetual trophy, which he or she may keep for one year. In addition, the winner will receive a small trophy to keep forever.


No elective byes are permitted. Non-elective byes, if necessary (due to an odd number of players), will be assigned according to USCF rules; each non-elective bye earns a full point.


If necessary, ties will be broked using the standard tie-breaking systems recommended by the USCF, in the standard order recommended by the USCF:
  1. modified median
  2. Solkoff
  3. cumulative
  4. cumulative of opposition
  5. median
  6. Kashdan
For details, see The Official Rules of Chess.


It is highly improper and inconsiderate to forfeit any game because forfeitures can adversely affect tournament outcomes and because forfeitures deny players the opportunity of playing a game.

Each player will play in each of the five rounds; noone will be eliminated. Anyone who does not appear within one hour after the round starts will forfeit that round. Anyone who forfeits a game will not be paired for any subsequent round unless the offending party first contacts the Tournament Director.

If you withdraw from the tournament, or if you must miss a round, you must contact the Tournament Director at least one hour prior to the start of the next round.

Each players will be asked to post a $20 bond pleding to appear for each round. This bound will be kept by the UMBC Chess Club if the player forfeits any round without informing the Tournament Director at lest one hour prior to the start of the next round; otherwise the bond will be returned at the end of the tournament.

Contact and Tournament Director

Kalonji Collins, tele; (410) 455-1792, email: kcolli2@gl.umbc.edu
Alan T. Sherman, sherman@cs.umbc.edu