CMSC 436/636: 
Data Visualization

Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department 
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Autumn 2017

Time: TR 10:00-11:15  ENGR 231

Course Staff:

Instructor: Dr. Penny Rheingans, 355 / 452 ITE, rheingan AT, Phone:(410)455-3554 / 2809

Office Hours: Tues 8:30-10am, ITE 355; by appt.

TA: Henan Zhao, 353 ITE, henan1 AT
This course will cover topics in visualization: the visual representation of large amounts of data. The format for the course will include group discussions of papers, lectures by the instructor, in-class exercises, and student presentations of projects. The grading will be based on participation in class, critical assignments, and group class projects. Projects have the potential of leading to work that forms the basis of an Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Master's project, or Ph.D. research topic. A partial list of topics includes the following:

Required Texts: I fully expect you to read the assigned readings. The material will be covered in quizzes.

Tentative Schedule

Date Topic Due
Aug 31 (Thurs) Overview
Sept 5 (Tues) Foundations: Quiz Munzner C1-2; Ware, C2-3
Sept 7 (Thurs) Ad Hoc Topics from Unit 1
Sept 12 (Tues) Design and Validate: Quiz Munzner C3-4, 6
Sept 14 (Thurs) Design & Validate
Sept 19 (Tues) Ad Hoc Topics from Unit 2
Sept 21 (Thurs) Design and Validate Reading Reflection; project proposal
Sept 26 (Thurs) Design and Validate: crit+ Crit Assignment (images by Sept 25, 5pm)
Sept 28 (Thurs) Design and Validate: crit-
Oct 3 (Tues) Design and Validate: guest lecture project alpha phase
Oct 5 (Thurs) Design and Validate: guest lecture project biblio + updated proposal
Oct 10 (Tues) Map Metric Info: Quiz Munzner C5,10; Ware, C4-5
Oct 12 (Thurs) Map Metric Info Reading Reflection
Oct 17 (Tues) Ad Hoc Topics from Unit 3 contstruction asst
Oct 19 (Thurs) Map Metric Info: Laptop Exercise
Sept 26 (Tues) Map Metric Info
Oct 24 (Tues) Map Metric Info
Oct 26 (Thurs) Map Metric Info data analysis asst
Oct 31 (Tues) Arrange to Reveal Pattern : Quiz Munzner C7-9; Ware, C6
Nov 2 (Thurs) Arrange to Reveal Pattern Reading Reflection
Nov 7 (Tues) Arrange to Reveal Pattern
Nov 9 (Thurs) Arrange to Reveal Pattern
Nov 14 (Tues) Arrange to Reveal Pattern
Nov 16 (Thurs) Arrange to Reveal Pattern project beta phase
Nov 21 (Tues) Interact and Analyze: Quiz Munzner C11-14; Ware, C10-11
Nov 23 (Thurs) Thanksgiving -- no class
Nov 28 (Tues) Interact and Analyze project beta review; Reading Reflection
Nov 30 (Thurs) Interact and Analyze: Laptop Exercise project paper draft
Dec 5 (Tues) Interact and Analyze project draft review, poster
Dec 7 (Thurs) Hot Topics and Research Challenges Reading Reflection
Dec 12 (Tues) Project Presentations project slides, paper, final release
Dec 19, 10:30-12:30 Project Presentations


Description Due Date Weight
Visualization Construction Oct 17, 10am 10% Required for all
Critical review of visualizations Oct 25, 5pm 5% Required for all
Discussion and analysis of technical papers Sept 21, Oct 12, Nov 2, Nov 28, Dec 7, all 10am 5% Required for all
Project various 50% Required for all
Supplementary Data Analysis Oct 26, 10am 10% XC for 436, Required for 636
Beta Review Nov 28 5% XC for 436, Required for 636
Draft Review Dec 5 5% XC for 436, Required for 636

Grades: Grades will be assigned on the basis of quizzes (10%), individual construction and critique assignments (15%), inclass exercises and participation (10%), paper discussion and analysis (5%) group project (50%), and peer evaluation (10%). Students taking the course for graduate credit will also complete a paper draft review (5%), a beta release review (5%), and an algorithm implementation (10%), with components renormalized to 100%.
Academic Honesty By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UMBC's scholarly community, in which everyone's academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong. Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to, suspension or dismissal. To read the full Student Academic Conduct Policy, consult the UMBC Student Handbook, the Faculty Handbook, or the UMBC Policies section of the UMBC Directory. [Statement adopted by UMBC's Undergraduate Council and Provost's Office.]

Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. In particular, submission of any elements of published work, another student's work, or your own previously published or submitted work without proper attribution will not be tolerated. If you have any questions about what is acceptable, please bring them to me before submitting your work. The minimum penalty for a violation of the academic honesty policy is a zero on the assignment. Other penalties may include a letter grade reduction, failing the class, or, in extreme or repeated cases, dismissal from the program.

Piazza This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion. The system is designed for getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates and myself, as well as encouraging a lively dialogue about course topics. Rather than emailing questions to me, I encourage you to post questions of general interest on Piazza. You will receive an email invitation to join the course page.