Now with color coded updates, new....old.
Instructor: Dr. Penny Rheingans ( rheingan AT
TA: Jake Thompson ( thompso1 AT )
Prerequisites: Math 221, CMSC 313, CMSC 341
Texts: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, third edition, Peter Shirley, AK Peters, 2009. Required. ISBN 1568814690.
Description: Introduction to graphics systems, rasterization, clipping, transformations, modeling, viewing, hidden surface removal, illumination, and shading. Emphasis on realistic, 3D image synthesis.
Weight | Description | Due Date | |
Asst 1 | 5% | Simple Scene | Feb 14 |
Asst 2 | 10% | Basic Raycasting | Mar 6 |
Asst 3 | 10% | Modeling | Apr 3 |
Asst 4 | 10% | Interactive Graphics | Apr 17 |
Asst 5 | 10% | Enhanced Ray and Realism | May 8 |
Problems sets will be assigned at intervals. There will be four such assignments and will typically be due a week after the assignment is made. Problem sets are due in class on the due date. Problem sets will account for a total of 10% of the grade. Expected problem sets:
Description | Due Date | ||
Problem Set 1 | Basic Ray Calculations | Feb 22 | |
Problem Set 2 | Modeling Calculations | Mar 26 | |
Problem Set 3 | Viewing Calculations | Apr 16 | |
Problem Set 4 | Enhanced Ray Calculations | Apr 23 |
All assignments and exams in the course are expected to be your INDIVIDUAL work. You may discuss assignments with anyone, but at no time should you show anyone your code or look at anyone else's. Any other help you receive (discussions of approach, use of programming tools, etc.) must be documented. At the beginning of each program you must include a comment indicating the sources you used while working on it (excluding course staff and text) and the type of help you received from each. If you received no help, say so. Failure to include this comment at the top of your program will result in your program being returned ungraded.
Grades: Grades will be based on programming assignments (45%), homework problems (10%), midterm exam (15%), quizzes (5%), and final exam (25%).
Date | Topic | Required Reading (S=Shirley) |
Jan 30/Feb 1 | Overview; Math review; Display; Renderman | S 1-3 |
Feb 6/8 | Basic Raytracing | S 4 |
Feb 13/15 | Transforms | S 5-6 |
Feb 20/22 | Viewing | S 7 |
Feb 27/29 | Pipeline; Antialiasing | S 8-10,12.4 |
Mar 5/7 | Texture | S 11 |
Mar 12/14 | TBA; MIDTERM | |
Mar 19/21 | Spring Break | |
Mar 26/28 | Modeling | S 16 |
Apr 2/4 | Interactive Graphics and Games | S 18, 19, 26 |
Apr 9/11 | Animation | S 17 |
Apr 16/18 | Increased Realism | S 13, 20, 24, 25 |
Apr 23/25 | Advanced Topics | |
Apr 30/May 2 | Visualization | S 27-28 |
May 7/9 | Future Directions; Wrap Up and Review | |
May TBA | Final Exam, |
This page ( : syllabus, links to assignments, etc.
RenderMan Resources
OpenGL Resources |