IS101Y / CMSC 104Y: First Year IT
TH 10-11:15, ENGR 021
F 1-1:50 or 2-2:50, ENGR 104A
Now with color coded updates, new....old.
Dr. Penny Rheingans (
rheingan AT
ITE 355 (x5-3554); ITE 452 (x5-2809)
Office Hours: Thurs 11:15am - 1pm; by appt
Dr. Susan Martin (
susan AT
ITE 452 (x5-2822)
Office Hours: Mon 3-4pm, Thurs 11:30-12:30; by appt
Course Staff:
- Alec Pulianas (teaching fellow) -- apul1 AT; Office hours: Mon 1-2:15, Tues 11:15-12 in ITE 452
- Emily Scheerer (teaching fellow) -- semily1 AT; Office hours: Wed 2:30-4:30 in Libary (outside RLC)
- Tiffany Ernst (peer mentor) -- tif1 AT
- Marie Wagner (peer mentor) -- mwagner2 AT
- Max Weinberg (peer mentor) -- maxwel1 AT
- Clayonna Wheat (peer mentor) -- cwheat2 AT
Text: Getting Started with Processing, Casey Reas and Ben Fry, O'Reilly, 2010. Recommended. ISBN 978-1-449-37980-3
Broad survey of computing topics and fields for new majors, along with the
academic and professional skills necessary to succeed in those fields.
Students will work
with a team to complete a semester design and implementation process.
After this course, students should be able to:
Discuss the characteristics and challenges of key areas of the computing disciplines.
Analyze and present data to support informed decision-making.
Write basic programs using variables, conditional logic, and loops.
Demonstrate the skills necessary to succeed as a computing student and professional.
Work effectively in a team to solve a complex technological challenge.
Individual Assignments
| Weight | Description | Due Date
Asst 1 | 2% | Surveys | Sept 7, Dec 7
Asst 2 | 10% | Journal Entries | Sept 7, Sept 28, Oct 5, Oct 26, Nov 16
Asst 3 | 5% | Processing | Sept 25
Asst 5 | 1% | Resume and Cover Letter | Oct 11
Asst 6 | 5% | Matlab
(code ex)
| Nov 2
Asst 7 | 2% | Poster Draft (individual section) | Nov 9
Team Assignments
| Weight | Description | Due Date
Asst 4 | 5% | Data for Decision-making | Nov 1
Project Phase 1 | 5% | Project Design | Oct 4
Project Phase 2 | 10% | Prototype Demo | Nov 15
Project Phase 3 | 5% | Prototype Evaluation | Nov 27
Project Phase 4 | 5% | Poster | Nov 29
Project Phase 5 | 5% | Presentation | Dec 11
Late Policy
Assignments are due in/before class on the day listed. Unless otherwise stated, late assignments can be submitted up to three days late and will be penalized 20 percent of the possible score. Assignments will not be accepted more than three days late. Late project phases will not be accepted.
Academic Honesty
By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an
active participant in UMBC's scholarly community in which everyone's academic work
and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating, fabrication,
plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic
dishonesty, and they are wrong.
All individual assignments and exams in the course are expected to be your INDIVIDUAL work. You may discuss assignments with anyone, but at no time should you copy someone else's work or allow someone to copy yours. Neither should you copy work or text from published or web sources without proper citation.
Team assignments are expected to be the work of all team members, where interactions outside the team follow guidelines for individual work. If you are ever in doubt about what constitutes appropriate collaboration, consult with a course staff member.
Grades: Grades will be based on homework assignments (30%), team project deliverables (30%), peer evaluation (10%), quizzes (10%), and final exam (20%).
Tentative Schedule
Required reading for a unit should be completed BEFORE the first day of that unit. There will be a quiz at the beginning of each unit.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date.
Date | Topic | Due
| Aug 30 (Thurs) | Overview
Aug 31 (Fri) | Good Advice & Getting Started |
Sept 4 (Tues) | Big Ideas | Read:
Sept 6 (Thurs) | Computational Thinking |
Sept 7 (Fri) | You: Before Class | Initial Survey; JE 1: Learning Wheel Reflection
Sept 11 (Tues) | Algorithmic Problem Solving |
Sept 13 (Thurs) | Algorithmic Problem Solving
Sept 14 (Fri) | You: Teamwork and Group Projects
Sept 18 (Tues) | Abstraction |
Sept 20 (Thurs) | Design and Realization
Sept 21 (Fri) | You: During and After Class |
Sept 25 (Tues) | People
Asst 3: Processing (Installation Guide)
Sept 27 (Thurs) | Graphics and Games |
Sept 28 (Fri) | You: Test Taking | JE 2: Go to Student Organization Mtg
Oct 2 (Tues) |
HCI and Accessibility | Watch
Blind Driver Challenge
Oct 4 (Thurs) | Social Implications | Project Phase 1: Design
| Oct 5 (Fri) | Smart Students Ask for Help | JE 3: Peer Assessment
| Oct 9 (Tues) |
Data | Read:
| Oct 11 (Thurs) | Team Check Up and Tune Up
| Draft Resume and Cover Letter
Oct 12 (Fri) |
Matlab intro |
| Oct 16 (Tues) |
Data management and analytics--guest lecture Dr. Michael Dillon
| Oct 18 (Thurs) | You: Resumes and Gaining Experience
| Oct 19 (Fri) | Matlab reprise | Asst
6: Matlab
| Oct 23 (Tues) |
Knowledge discovery | Watch
| Oct 25 (Thurs) |
Big data | Watch:
| Oct 26 (Fri) | You Gotta Have a Plan | JE 4: Draft data presentation
| Oct 30 (Tues) | Hardware and Systems | Read:
| Nov 1 (Thurs) | Data Presentations | Asst 4: Data Presentation
| Nov 2 (Fri) | Computer engineering overview
| Nov 6 (Tues) | Software systems
| Nov 8 (Thurs) | Cybersecurity
| Nov 9 (Fri) | Networking 101
| Nov 13 (Tues) | Devices |
| Nov 15(Thurs) | Prototype Crit | Project Phase 2: Prototype
| Nov 16 (Fri) | Giving and Getting Feedback | JE 5: Careers Reflection
| Nov 20 (Tues) | Intelligence | Read:
| Nov 27 (Tues) | Search and game play | Project Phase 3: Evaluation
| Nov 29 (Thurs) | Multi-agent systems | Project Phase 4: Poster; Watch
| Nov 30 (Fri) | Managing Stress & Preparing for Finals
| Dec 4 (Tues) | Recommender systems
| Dec 6 (Thurs) | Last lecture |
| Dec 7 (Fri) | You: What's Next? | Final Survey
| Dec 11 (Tues) | Presentations | Project Phase 5: Presentation
| Dec 18 (Tues) | Final Exam, 10:30-12:30
| | |