ENEE 204 -- Introduction to Circuit Theory

Instructor:       John T. Pinkston
                       ECS Room 210

Office Hours:  Monday and Wednesday 10 AM - 12 Noon or by appointment.
                       Call Cathy Toplanchik at x3788 for appointments.

TA:                Ting Li

Text:              Electric Circuits
                      by James Nilsson and Susan Riedel

Sequence and Approximate Schedule of Topics


There will be two mid-term exams and a final exam.

Make-Up Exams

If an exam is missed without a really good excuse, the grade is a zero. If the exam is missed with a really good excuse and the instructor is notified in andante, there may be a make-up exam administered or the average score of the other exams may be used, at the instructor's option

Grading of exams

No numerical equivalents of letters grades will be specified in advance, Based on the difficulty of each exam, students will be advised what scores correspond to what letter grades.


Homework will  consist of both problems and circuit simulation projects. Homework will be grade and forms an important part of the course work.
Homework is due at the start of class on the date due. Late homework will not be accepted. This policy is to allow the instructor to discuss the homework on the day it is turned in.

Grading Policy

There is  no prior correspondence between a numerical score on an exam or homework, and a corresponding letter grade. These correspondences will be determined based on the degree of difficulty of the exam or assignment. Both absolute and relative standards will be applied.

For determining the final grade, the two mid-term exams will be weighted 20% each, the final exam will be weighted 40% and the homework and project assignments will be weighted 20%.

There may be so me bonus  consideration given for active class participation, demonstrated serious effort and improvement trends.

Final letter grades will reflect the following criteria
A: Mastery of virtually all of the course material
B: Substantial mastery of most of the course material
C: Satisfactory understanding of the course material
D: Minimally acceptable understanding of the course material
F: Failure

Incomplete Grade
A grade of incomplete will be given only under exceptional circumstances described by the University policy for granting incompletes. Any such  circumstance MUST be brought to the instructor's attention immediately as soon as it is known, Failure to complete assignments on time is not a sufficient reason for an incomplete.

If you feel you are falling behind, seek help immediately. There can ge no provision for extra projects to improve a grade after the semester ends/

Academic Misconduct
All students are expected to be knowledgeable on all University polices on academic misconduct. All work a students presents, both homework and exams, must be his or her own exclusively. any cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated, and will subject the student to a grade of F. Any false or misleading representations to the instructor will also be considered
as academic misconduct.


Last Updated: September 6,1999
This page is maintained by: Ting Li