Professional Activities
Editorial Boards of Technical Journals
Associate Editor
IEEE Transactions on Computers :
2002 -- 2005
(topical areas: computer arithmetic, mobile computing and networks)
Conference Technical Program Committees
Biannual IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic
(ARITH) : 1999 -- 2009
- IEEE INFOCOM (annual International
Conference on Information and Communications) :
2004 -- 2009
ACM MobiCom : 2004
ACM annual Workshop on
Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA) :
IEEE annual
conference on Pervasive Computing (Percom) :
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
(IJCNN) : , 2000 - 2001
- Frequent reviewer of articles for IEEE Transactions
in diverse areas of current and past interest/activity, including
- Computers
- Transactions on CAD.
- Networking
- Circuits and Systems (CAS)
- Neural Networks
- Fuzzy Systems
- Microwave Theory and Techniques.
- Also a frequent reviewer for other journals and
conferences in the areas of interest
- Participated in several NSF panels and reviewed NSF proposals
(mail-in reviews)