Dhananjay Phatak

Dr. Dhananjay Phatak

Associate Professor, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Dhananjay Phatak joined UMBC's Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department in the Fall of 2000 as an
Associate Professor. Before coming to UMBC, Prof. Phatak was a faculty in the ECE Dept. at the State University of New York at Binghamton.

He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Massachusetts,
an MSEE in Microwave Planar Integrated Circuits also from the University of Massachusetts, and
a B. Tech in EE from IIT Bombay(Mumbai).
In the past, he has performed research in a many diverse areas; including Microwave Engineering(MSEE), Neural Networks, Mobile and High Performance Computing and Networks.

His current areas of research include Computer Arithmetic Algorithms and Implementations, Number Theory,
Cryptology and efficient realization of cryptographic algorithms and primitives, and
Cyber-Security at large, including all aspects such as Computer/Network/System security,
information assurance and security, security of hardware and designing hardware architectures for enhancing security, software security, malware, Virtualization and its impact, Digital Rights Management(DRM), Trust, security of Distributed Systems (DDoS attacks, defenses), Cloud security ...

He is an active member of the Cyber Defense Laboratory(CDL) and works in close collaboration with colleagues including Professors Alan Sherman, Kostas Kalpakis, Anupam Joshi, Chintan Patel and Ryan Robucci.

He received the NSF Career Award in 1999. He has also received other research grants from the NSF, GE and Aether Systems.

Some of my Research Projects related to Cyber Security

Office: ITE 319
Phone: 410-455-3624
E-mail: phatak@umbc.edu