Copyright 2001, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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Contents |
I. Introduction |
ISL is a shading language designed for interactive display. Like other shading languages, programs written in ISL describe how to find the final color for each pixel on a surface. ISL was created as a simple restricted shading language to help us explore the implications of interactive shading. As such, the language definition itself changes often. While this may be a snapshot specification for ISL, ISL is not proposed as a formal or informal language standard. Shading language design for interactive shading is still an open area of research.
All shading code is written with a single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) model. ISL shaders are written as if they were operating on a single point on the surface, in isolation. The same operations are performed for all pixels on the surface, but the computed values can be different at every pixel.
Like other shading languages that follow the SIMD model, ISL data may be declared varying or uniform. Varying values may vary from pixel to pixel, while uniform values must be the same at every pixel on the surface.
II. Files |
The appearance of a shaded surface is defined by one or more ISL surface shaders and possibly one or more ISL light shaders. Each shader is defined in its own ISL source files, which should have the file name extension .isl.
Comments in isl may be either C or C++-style (/*comment*/ or // comment to end of line)
III. Data types |
All ISL data is classified as either varying, parameter or uniform. Varying data may hold a different value at each pixel. Parameter data must have the same value at every pixel on a surface, but can differ from surface to surface or from frame to frame. Changes to varying or parameter data do not require recompiling the shader. Uniform data also has the same value at every pixel on the surface, but changes to uniform data only take effect when the shader is recompiled.
The complete list of ISL data types is:
uniform float uf |
uf and pf are each a single floating point value | parameter float pf |
uniform color uc |
uc and pc are each a set of four floating point values, representing a color, vector or point. For colors, the components are ordered red, green, blue and alpha. For points, the components are ordered x,y,z and w. |
parameter color pc | |
varying color vc |
vc is a four element color, vector or point that may have different values at each pixel on the surface. Elements of the color are constrained to lie between 0 and 1. Negative values are clamped to zero and values greater than one are clamped to one |
uniform matrix um |
um and pm are each a set of sixteen floating point values, representing a 4x4 matrix in row-major order (all four elements of first row, all four elements of second row, ...) |
parameter matrix pm | |
uniform string us |
us is a character string, used for texture names. |
ISL also allows 1D arrays of all uniform and parameter types, using
a C-style specification:
uniform float ufa[n] |
ufa is an array with n uniform float point elements, ufa[0] through ufa[n-1] |
parameter float pfa[n] |
ufa is an array with n parameter float point elements, pfa[0] through pfa[n-1] |
uniform color uca[n] |
uca is an array with n uniform color elements, uca[0] through uca[n-1]. |
parameter color uca[n] |
pca is an array with n parameter color elements, pca[0] through pca[n-1]. |
uniform matrix uma[n] |
uma is an array with n uniform matrix elements, uma[0] through uma[n-1] |
parameter matrix pma[n] |
pma is an array with n parameter matrix elements, pma[0] through pma[n-1] |
uniform string usa[n] |
usa is an array with n uniform string elements, usa[0] through usa[n-1] |
IV. Variables and identifiers |
Identifiers in ISL are used for variable or function names. They begin with a letter, and may be followed by additional letters, underscores or digits. For example a, abc, C93d, and d_e_f are all legal identifiers.
Several variables are predefined with special
varying color FB |
Current frame buffer contents. This is the intermediate result location for almost all varying operations. |
parameter matrix shadermatrix |
Arbitrary matrix associated with the shader at compile time. This may be used to control the coordinate space where the shader operates. |
uniform float pi |
The math constant. |
V. Uniform operations |
In the following, uf and uf0-uf15 are uniform floats; ufa is an array of uniform floats; uc, uc0 and uc1 are uniform colors; uca is an array of uniform colors; um, um0 and um1 are uniform matrices; uma is an array of uniform matrices; us, us0 and us1 are uniform strings; usa is an array of uniform strings; and ur, ur0 and ur1 are uniform relations.
variable reference |
Value of uniform float variable. |
float constant |
One of the following non-case-sensitive patterns:
0xH (hex integer);
0O (octal integer);
D ;
D. ;
.D ;
D.D ;
DeSD ;
D.eSD ;
.DeSD ;
(uf) |
Grouping intermediate computations. |
-uf |
Negate uf |
uf0 + uf1 |
Add uf0 and uf1 |
uf0 - uf1 |
Subtract uf1 from uf0 |
uf0 * uf1 |
Multiply uf0 and uf1 |
uf0 / uf1 |
Divide uf0 by uf1 |
uc[uf0] |
Gives channel floor(uf0) of color uc, where red is channel 0, green is channel 1, blue is channel 2 and alpha is channel 3. |
um[uf0][uf1] |
Gives element floor(4*uf0 + uf1) of matrix um |
ufa[uf] |
Element floor(uf) of array
ufa where element 0 is the first element.
Behavior is undefined if floor(uf0) falls outside the array. |
f(...) |
Function call to a function returning uniform float result |
Uniform float assignments take the following forms, where lvalue is either a uniform float variable or a floating point element from a variable (var[uf0] for a uniform color or a uniform float array, var[uf0][uf1] for a uniform matrix or uniform color array or var[uf0][uf1][uf2] for a uniform matrix array):
lvalue = uf |
Simple assignment |
lvalue += uf |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue + uf |
lvalue -= uf |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue - uf |
lvalue *= uf |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue * uf |
lvalue /= uf |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue / uf |
variable reference |
Value of uniform color variable |
color(uf0,uf1,uf2,uf3) |
red=uf0; green=uf1; blue=uf2; alpha=uf3 |
uf |
color(uf,uf,uf,uf) |
(uc) |
Grouping intermediate computations |
-uc uc0 + uc1 uc0 - uc1 uc0 * uc1 uc0 / uc1 |
Each uniform float operation is applied component-by-component |
um[uf] |
Row floor(uf) of matrix um |
uca[uf] |
Element floor(uf) of array
uca, where element 0 is the first element.
Behavior is undefined if floor(uf0) falls outside the array. |
f(...) |
Function call to a function returning uniform color result |
Uniform color assignments take the following forms, where
lvalue is either a uniform color variable or a color element
from a variable (var[uf0] for an element of a color array or
row of a uniform matrix or var[uf0][uf1] for a uniform matrix
lvalue = uc |
Simple assignment |
lvalue += uc |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue + uc |
lvalue -= uc |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue - uc |
lvalue *= uc |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue * uc |
lvalue /= uc |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue / uc |
Color elements can also be set individually. See section A above.
variable reference |
Value of uniform matrix variable |
Matrix with rows (uf0,uf1,uf2,uf3), (uf4,uf5,uf6,uf7), (uf8,uf9,uf10,uf11) and (uf12,uf13,uf14,uf15) |
uf |
matrix(uf,0,0,0, 0,uf,0,0, 0,0,uf,0, 0,0,0,uf) |
(um) |
Grouping intermediate computations |
-um um0 + um1 um0 - um1 |
Each uniform float operation is applied component-by-component |
um0 * um1 |
Matrix multiplication:
result[i][k] = sumj=0..3(um0[i][j] * um1[j][k]) |
uma[uf] |
Element floor(uf) of array uma
where element 0 is the first element.
Behavior is undefined if floor(uf0) falls outside the array. |
f(...) |
Function call to a function returning uniform matrix result |
Uniform matrix assignments take the following forms, where lvalue is
either a uniform matrix variable or one element of a uniform matrix
array variable, accessed as var[uf]:
lvalue = um |
Simple assignment |
lvalue += um |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue + um |
lvalue -= um |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue - um |
lvalue *= um |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue * um |
Matrix elements can also be set individually. See sections A and B above.
variable reference |
Value of uniform string variable |
constant string |
String inside double quotes ("string") |
usa[uf] |
Element floor(uf) of array
usa where element 0 is the first element.
Behavior is undefined if floor(uf0) falls outside the array. |
f(...) |
Function call to a function returning uniform string result |
Strings can include escape sequences beginning with '\':
character sequence | name |
\O |
Octal character code |
\xH |
Hex character code |
\n |
Newline |
\t |
Tab |
\v |
Vertical tab |
\b |
Backspace |
\r |
Carriage return |
\f |
Form feed |
\a |
Alert (bell) |
\\ |
Backslash character |
\? |
Question mark |
\' |
Single quote |
\" |
Embedded double quote |
Uniform string assignments take the following forms, where lvalue is
either a uniform string variable or one element of an uniform string
array variable, accessed by var[uf]:
lvalue = us |
Simple assignment |
uf0 == uf1 uf0 != uf1 uf0 >= uf1 uf0 <= uf1 uf0 > uf1 uf0 < uf1 |
Traditional comparisons: equal, not equal, greater or equal, less or equal, greater, and less |
uc0 == uc1 |
True if all elements of uc0 are equal to the corresponding elements of uc1 |
uc0 != uc1 |
true if any elements of uc0 does not equal the corresponding element of uc1 |
um0 == um1 |
True if all elements of um0 are equal to the corresponding elements of um1 |
um0 != um1 |
True if any elements of um0 does not equal the corresponding element of um1 |
us0 == us1 us0 != us1 |
Traditional string comparison: equal and not equal |
(ur) |
Grouping intermediate computations |
ur0 && ur1 |
True if both ur0 and ur1 are true |
ur0 || ur1 |
True if either ur0 or ur1 are true |
!ur |
True if ur is false |
It is not possible to save uniform relation results to a variable.
VI. Parameter operations |
In the following, pf and pf0-pf15
are parameter floats; pfa is an array of parameter floats;
pc, pc0 and pc1 are parameter colors;
pca is an array of parameter colors; pm,
pm0 and pm1 are parameter matrices; and
pma is an array of parameter matrices. Also, uf0
and uf1 are uniform floats and uc is a uniform
color as defined above.
variable reference |
Value of parameter float variable. |
uf |
Convert uniform float to parameter float. |
(pf) |
Grouping intermediate computations. |
-pf |
Negate pf |
pf0 + pf1 |
Add pf0 and pf1 |
pf0 - pf1 |
Subtract pf1 from pf0 |
pf0 * pf1 |
Multiply pf0 and pf1 |
pf0 / pf1 |
Divide pf0 by pf1 |
pc[pf0] |
Gives channel floor(pf0) of color pc, where red is channel 0, green is channel 1, blue is channel 2 and alpha is channel 3. |
pm[pf0][pf1] |
Gives element floor(4*pf0 + pf1) of matrix pm |
pfa[uf] |
Element floor(uf) of array
pfa where element 0 is the first element. Note that
currently the array index must be uniform.
Behavior is undefined if floor(uf0) falls outside the array. |
f(...) |
Function call to a function returning parameter float result |
Parameter float assignments take the following forms, where lvalue is either a parameter float variable or a floating point element from a variable (var[uf0] for a parameter float array):
lvalue = pf |
Simple assignment |
lvalue += pf |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue + pf |
lvalue -= pf |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue - pf |
lvalue *= pf |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue * pf |
lvalue /= pf |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue / pf |
variable reference |
Value of parameter color variable |
uc |
Convert uniform color to parameter color. |
color(pf0,pf1,pf2,pf3) |
red=pf0; green=pf1; blue=pf2; alpha=pf3 |
pf |
color(pf,pf,pf,pf) |
(pc) |
Grouping intermediate computations |
-pc pc0 + pc1 pc0 - pc1 pc0 * pc1 pc0 / pc1 |
Each parameter float operation is applied component-by-component |
pm[pf] |
Row floor(pf) of matrix pm |
pca[uf] |
Element floor(uf) of array
pca, where element 0 is the first element. Note that
currently the array index must be uniform.
Behavior is undefined if floor(uf0) falls outside the array. |
f(...) |
Function call to a function returning parameter color result |
Parameter color assignments take the following forms, where
lvalue is either a parameter color variable or a color element
from a variable (var[uf0] for an element of a color array):
lvalue = pc |
Simple assignment |
lvalue += pc |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue + pc |
lvalue -= pc |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue - pc |
lvalue *= pc |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue * pc |
lvalue /= pc |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue / pc |
Unlike uniform colors, parameter colors cannot currently be set by element.
variable reference |
Value of parameter matrix variable |
um |
Convert uniform matrix to parameter matrix. |
Matrix with rows (pf0,pf1,pf2,pf3), (pf4,pf5,pf6,pf7), (pf8,pf9,pf10,pf11) and (pf12,pf13,pf14,pf15) |
pf |
matrix(pf,0,0,0, 0,pf,0,0, 0,0,pf,0, 0,0,0,pf) |
(pm) |
Grouping intermediate computations |
-pm pm0 + pm1 pm0 - pm1 |
Each parameter float operation is applied component-by-component |
pm0 * pm1 |
Matrix multiplication:
result[i][k] = sumj=0..3(um0[i][j] * um1[j][k]) |
pma[uf] |
Element floor(uf) of array
pma where element 0 is the first element. Note that
currently the array index must be uniform.
Behavior is undefined if floor(uf0) falls outside the array. |
f(...) |
Function call to a function returning parameter matrix result |
Parameter matrix assignments take the following forms, where lvalue is
either a parameter matrix variable or one element of a parameter matrix
array variable, accessed as var[uf]:
lvalue = pm |
Simple assignment |
lvalue += pm |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue + pm |
lvalue -= pm |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue - pm |
lvalue *= pm |
Equivalent to lvalue = lvalue * pm |
Unlike uniform matrices, parameter matrices cannot currently be set by element.
VII. Varying operations |
In the following, vc is a varying color. Also,
pf0 and pf1 are parameter floats and
pc is a parameter color as defined above.
variable reference |
Value of varying color variable
Note: when a varying variable is used, texgen value of -3 is passed to the application geometry drawing function (see the description under texture()). While the geometry drawing function may choose to act on this value, OpenGL Shader will set the texture generation mode appropriately. |
pc |
Convert parameter color to varying, clamping the resulting color to [0,1]. After this conversion, every pixel has its own copy of the color value. |
Possible targets for varying assignments are:
FB |
All channels of the framebuffer |
FB.C |
Set only some channels, leaving the others alone. C is a channel specification, consisting of some combination of the letters r,g,b and a to select the red, green, blue and alpha channels. Each letter can appear at most once, and they must appear in order. This can be used to isolate individual channels: FB.r, FB.g, FB.b, FB.a, or to select arbitrary groups of channels: FB.rgb, FB.rb, |
Varying assignments into the framebuffer can take the following
forms, where lvalue is FB or FB.C
(as described above):
FB = f(...) |
Function call to a function returning varying
color result
All varying functions also implicitly have access to the value of FB when the function is called. Except for certain built-in functions explicitly noted later, varying functions can only be assigned directly into all channels of the framebuffer. To combine the results of a varying function with the existing frame buffer contents, you must save the existing frame buffer into a variable. For example:
| ||||
lvalue = vc |
Copy vc into lvalue | ||||
lvalue += vc
lvalue -= vc
lvalue *= vc |
Add, subtract, or multiply lvalue and vc, putting the result in lvalue. |
Assignments into varying variables can only take this form:
variable = FB |
Copy framebuffer to variable |
FB[vf0] == vf1 FB[vf0] != vf1 FB[vf0] >= vf1 FB[vf0] <= vf1 FB[vf0] > vf1 FB[vf0] < vf1 |
Traditional comparisons: equal, not equal,
greater or equal, less or equal, greater, and less
Performs per-pixel comparison between frame buffer channel uf0 and reference value uf1. Frame buffer channel 0 is red, channel 1 is green, channel 2 is blue and channel 3 is alpha. |
It is not possible to save varying relation results to a variable.
VIII. Built-in functions |
The following is a preliminary set of provided functions returning
uniform results.
uniform float abs(uniform float x) parameter float abs(parameter float x) |
absolute value of x | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float acos(uniform float x) parameter float acos(parameter float x) |
inverse cosine, radian result is between 0 and pi | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float asin(uniform float y) parameter float asin(parameter float y) |
inverse sine, radian result is between -pi/2 and pi/2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float atan(uniform float f) parameter float atan(parameter float f) |
inverse tangent, radian result is between -pi/2 and pi/2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float atan(uniform float y; uniform float x) parameter float atan(parameter float y; parameter float x) |
inverse tangent of y/x, radian result is between -pi and pi | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float ceil(uniform float x) parameter float ceil(parameter float x) |
round x up (smallest integer i >= x) | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float clamp(uniform float x; uniform float a; uniform float b) parameter float clamp(parameter float x; parameter float a; parameter float b) |
clamp x to lie between a and b | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float cos(uniform float r) parameter float cos(parameter float r) |
cosine of r radians | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float exp(uniform float x) parameter float exp(parameter float x) |
ex | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float floor(uniform float x) parameter float floor(parameter float x) |
round x down (largest integer i <= x) | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform matrix inverse(uniform matrix m) parameter matrix inverse(parameter matrix m) |
matrix inverse
m*inverse(m) = inverse(m)*m = identity matrix | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float log(uniform float x) parameter float log(parameter float x) |
natural log of x | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float max(uniform float x; uniform float y) parameter float max(parameter float x; parameter float y) |
maximum of x and y | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float min(uniform float f; uniform float g) parameter float min(parameter float f; parameter float g) |
minimum of x and y | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float mod(uniform float n; uniform float d) parameter float mod(parameter float n; parameter float d) |
Remainder of division n/d
n - d*floor(n/d) | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform matrix perspective(uniform float d) parameter matrix perspective(parameter float d) |
matrix to perform perspective projection looking down
the Z axis with a field of view of d degrees.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float pow(uniform float x; uniform float y) parameter float pow(parameter float x; parameter float y) |
xy | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform matrix rotate(uniform float x; uniform float y; uniform float z; uniform float r) parameter matrix rotate(parameter float x; parameter float y; parameter float z; parameter float r) |
rotate r radians around axis (x,y,z) | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float round(uniform float x) parameter float round(parameter float x) |
round x to the nearest integer | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform matrix scale(uniform float x; uniform float y; uniform float z) parameter matrix scale(parameter float x; parameter float y; parameter float z) |
matrix(x,0,0,0, 0,y,0,0, 0,0,z,0, 0,0,0,1) | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float sign(uniform float x) parameter float sign(parameter float x) |
sign of x: -1, 0 or 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float sin(uniform float r) parameter float sin(parameter float r) |
sine of r radians | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float smoothstep(uniform float a; uniform float b; uniform float x) parameter float smoothstep(parameter float a; parameter float b; parameter float x) |
smooth transition between 0 and 1 as x
changes from a to b.
0 for x < a, 1 for x > b | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform color spline(uniform float x; uniform color c[]) uniform float spline(uniform float x; uniform float c[]) parameter color spline(parameter float x; parameter color c[]) parameter float spline(parameter float x; parameter float c[]) |
evaluate Catmull-Rom spline at x based
on control point vector, c.
A Catmull-Rom spline passes through all of the control points. The derivative of the curve at each control point is half the difference between the next and previous control points. The full curve is covered between x=0 and x=1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float sqrt(uniform float x) parameter float sqrt(parameter float x) |
square root of x | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float step(uniform float a; uniform float x) parameter float step(parameter float a; parameter float x) |
0 for x<a
1 for x>=a | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform float tan(uniform float r) parameter float tan(parameter float r) |
tangent of r radians | ||||||||||||||||||||
uniform matrix translate(uniform float x; uniform float y; uniform float z) parameter matrix translate(parameter float x; parameter float y; parameter float z) |
matrix(1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, x,y,z,1) |
The following is a preliminary set of provided functions returning
varying color results.
varying color texture(
varying color texture(
varying color texture(
Map texture onto surface, using texture
coordinates defined with object geometry. Versions with array
textures are 1D texturing only (using the s texture
Optional float texgen (>= 0) is passed to the geometry drawing function so it can generate a different (application defined) set of per-vertex texture coordinates. If texgen is not given, a value of 0 will be passed to the geometry drawing function. Optional matrix xform is a matrix for transforming the texture coordinates. If xform is not given, the identity matrix is used (i.e. texture coordinates are used as given). Note: negative texgen values are used for built-in
texture generation modes. These negative values are also passed to
the geometry drawing function. While the geometry drawing function
may choose to act on these value, OpenGL Shader will set the
texture generation mode appropriately.
| ||||||||||
varying color environment(
varying color environment(
varying color environment(
Map texture onto surface, as a spherical
environment map. Versions with array textures are 1D texturing
only (using the s texture coordinate).
Optional matrix xform is a matrix for transforming the texture coordinates. For example, it can be used to set the map up direction. If xform is not given, the identity matrix is used (i.e. texture coordinates are used as generated). Note: environment also passes a texgen value of -2 to the application geometry drawing function. | ||||||||||
varying color project(
varying color project(
varying color project(
Project texture onto surface using parallel
projection down the Z axis. Versions with array textures are 1D
texturing only (using the X coordinate only).
Optional matrix xform is a matrix for transforming before projection. For example, to project in shader space, use inverse(shadermatrix). If xform is not given, the identity matrix is used. Note: project() also passes a texgen value of -1 to the application geometry drawing function. | ||||||||||
varying color transform(parameter matrix xform) |
Transform the varying color in the frame buffer by the given matrix | ||||||||||
varying color lookup(parameter float lut[]) varying color lookup(parameter color lut[]) |
Lookup each frame buffer channel in the given
lookup table.
Each channel is handled independently, so the resulting red component of the result comes from the red component lut[n*FB.r]. Similarly, for green from lut[n*FB.g] and blue from lut[n*FB.b] | ||||||||||
varying color blend(varying color v) |
Channel by channel blend: FB*(1-v) + v = v*(1-FB) + FB | ||||||||||
varying color over(varying color v) |
Alpha-based blend of FB over v:
v*(1-FB.a) + FB*FB.a | ||||||||||
varying color under(varying color v) |
Alpha-based blend of FB under v:
FB*(1-v.a) + v*v.a | ||||||||||
varying color ambient() |
Return sum of ambient light hitting surface | ||||||||||
varying color diffuse() |
Return sum of diffuse light hitting surface | ||||||||||
varying color specular(parameter float e) |
Return sum of specular light hitting surface, using e as the exponent in the Phong lighting model |
IX. Variable declarations |
A variable declaration is a type name followed by one (and only
one) variable name. Each variable name may optionally be followed by
an initial value. Some examples:
uniform float fvar; |
uniform float farray[3]; |
uniform float fvar = 3; |
parameter matrix = 1; |
uniform string = "mytexture" |
varying color cvar; |
Variable and functions names are bound using static scoping rules
similar to C. The same name cannot occur more than once
within the same block of statements (bounded by '{' and
'}'), but can be redefined within a nested block:
not legal | legal |
{ uniform float x; uniform float x; } | { uniform float x; { uniform color x; } } |
X. Statements |
In the following, uf is a uniform float, ur is a uniform relation and vr is a varying relation as defined above.
Legal ISL statements are:
assignment; |
Performs assignment |
variable declaration; |
Creates and possibly initializes variable |
{list of 0 or more statements} |
Executes statements sequentially |
if (ur) statement |
Execute statement if uniform relation ur is true |
if (ur) statement else statement |
Execute first statement if ur is true, and second statement if ur is false. |
if (vr) statement |
Restricts the currently active set of pixels to
those where the given varying relation is true. The active set of
pixels starts as all visible pixels within the shaded object, but
may be restricted by one or more if statements.
Frame buffer operations in statement only operate on the active subset of pixels. Any uniform operations or varying variable assignments are still applied for all pixels. |
if (vr) statement else statement |
The first statement executes with the same
restricted set of pixels as the previous if statement.
The second statement executes with the active pixels restricted to
those that were active when the if statement was reached
but where the varying relation was false.
In both statements, the active set of pixels only restricts frame buffer operations. Uniform operations and assignment to varying variables are not affected by the set of active pixels. |
repeat (uf) statement |
repeat statment max(0,floor(uf)) times. |
XI. Functions |
Every function has this form:
type function_name(formal_parameters) { body }
The type is one of the ordinary types or a shader type:
ambientlight |
Light contributing to ambient() function. |
distantlight |
Light shining down the z axis. It is transformed by shadermatrix, which can be used to point in other directions. Contributes to the diffuse() and specular() functions. |
pointlight |
Light positioned at the origin. It is transformed by shadermatrix, which can be used to position it in the scene. Contributes to diffuse() and specular() functions. |
surface |
Surface appearance. Should compute the base surface color and lighting contribution (though calls to ambient(), diffuse() and specular()). |
atmosphere |
Equivalent to surface. Atmospheric effects like fog are handled in the last surface shader in the shader list. |
The set of formal parameter declarations are a semi-colon separated list of uniform variable declarations, with initial values. Initial values are required for all formal parameters. For shaders, the initial values are interpreted as defaults for any variable not set explicitly by the application. Arrays in the formal parameter list for a shader are not currently visible to the application. The initial values for parameters of ordinary functions are not currently used, but they are still required.
The body is just a list of statements. The result of each shader is just the value left in FB when the shader exits.
The last statement of any function should be the special statement
The return statement can only appear as the last statement in a function, and the type of value should match the function type. For functions returning a varying color, the return is optional. If return is omitted on a varying color function, the function return value is the value of FB at the end of the function.
Light shaders return a varying color giving the light that reaches the surface. This color may include effects like shadowing, but not the interaction with the surface itself.
Surface shaders return a varying color giving the final color of the surface. At the start of the shader, FB contains the color of the closest surface previously seen at each pixel. Shaders with transparency should handle any blending with this existing color. In order for surfaces with varying opacity to work, it is also necessary that the application and/or scene graph sort transparent surfaces, and surfaces with varying opacity should be treated as transparent.
Atmosphere shaders start with FB set to the final rendered color for each pixel. They return the attenuated color.
An example shader:
surface shadertest( uniform color c = color(1,0,0,1); uniform float f = .25) { FB = diffuse(); FB *= c*f; return FB; }