Abstract and Bios | |
Course Schedule | |
The vision of real-time shading - Mark | |
Slides | |
Chapter 14, Advanced Animation and Rendering
Techniques, Alan Watt and Mark Watt, Addison-Wesley.
(c)1992 ACM Press. Reprinted with permission | |
PixelFlow - Olano | |
Marc Olano, "PixelFlow Shading Language" | |
Jon Leech, "OpenGL Extensions
and Restrictions for PixelFlow", UNC CS Technical Report TR98-019.
(c)1997 UNC, Chapel Hill. Reprinted with permission. | |
Parameterized solid texturing - Hart | |
John C. Hart, Nate Carr, Masaki Kameya, Stephen
A. Tibbitts, Terrance J. Coleman, "Antialiased
Parameterized Solid Texturing Simplified for Consumer-Level Hardware
Implementation", Proceedings of the 1999 Eurographics/SIGGRAPH
Workshop on Graphics Hardware. (c)1999 ACM. Reprinted with permission. | |
Masaki Kameya and John C. Hart, "Bresenham Noise" | |
John C. Hart and Peter K. Doenges, "A Framework for Analyzing Real-Time Advanced Shading Techniques" | |
RenderMan on extended OpenGL - Olano | |
Slides | |
Translating a Shader to Multipass | |
Texture shaders - McCool | |
Michael D. McCool, "SMASH: A Next-Generation API for Programmable Graphics Accelerators", Computer Graphics Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo. (Primary copy at University of Waterloo) | |
Slides | |
Uses of environment maps - Heidrich | |
Wolfgang Heidrich, "Environment Maps and Their Applications" | |
Solid map - Hart | |
Nate Carr, John Hart and Jerome Maillot, "The Solid Map: Methods for Generating a 2-D Texture Map for Solid Texturing" | |
Stanford real-time programmable shading - Proudfoot | |
Slides | |
Example Shaders | |
SGI interactive shading language - Olano | |
Slides | |
Marc Olano, "Interactive Shading Language, Language Description". (Primary copy in OpenGL Shader distribution) | |
Bibliography | |
A Collection of Useful References |