Question 1
Read Inada and McCool, "Compressed Lossless Texture Representation and Caching", In Proceedings of GH 2006: The ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Graphics Hardware
- List the correspondences between concepts in this paper and CPU cache concepts covered in this class.
- Using CPU numbers (miss rates, etc.) in the book, from a paper, or that you find online, evaluate the speedup or slowdown of using compressed data in this way in a CPU cache. Show your work, but you should produce a numerical result. For each number that goes into the computation, clearly indicate what it is and where it comes from (i.e. book, paper or other source; number in the text, table or graph; if from a graph, which line of the graph and what you estimated the value to be, etc.).
Question 2
Read Younis, Bengad and Akkaya, "Base-Station Repositioning for Optimized Performance of Sensor Networks," In Proceedings of VTC 2003-Fall: the 58th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, October 6-9, 2003, pp. 2956-2960.
- What performance measure(s) are used to evaluate the success of the repositioning strategy?
- What performance measures(s) are used to decide on the repositioning?
- Why are these not the same?
- What is the approximate "speedup" of each term graphed in the results section?
- The "workload" in this case is the random distribution of sensor nodes. What other workloads that might make sense? How might the results in these cases.