
  1. Write an elevator pitch
  2. Think about demographics
  3. Present a pitch to a sympathetic group
  4. Come up with an awesome game idea
  5. Make a project that could get done


20% Presentation Mechanics
10% Slides submitted by midnight Sunday
10% Pitch completed in less than 3 minutes. PRACTICE!!!
65% Presentation Content
5% Title: Give your name and working title,
10% (~20 sec) Intro: two sentence description of the game
These should give the genre, and what will make your game interesting or unique.
10% (~30 sec) Demographics: A short description of your game's target audience
Give the name(s) of similar game(s) that have succeeded, and describe how it is similar to what you want to do. For full credit, present a fresh idea. For half credit, simply say "It's like Street Fighter"
15% (~40 sec) Game Mechanics: A description of the sense of playing the game
Describe how the game is fun. Describe what the player is doing. You get full credit for a vivid, clear description of game play. You lose points if you don't effectively convey what the game will be.
15% (~60 sec) Technical: How will the game work, and how will it be possible for you to make it
Include resources (people and skills) needed for the prototype, and to turn the prototype into a full game.
10% (~30 sec) Style: What will the game look like?
Art students are expected to have a much more complete and compelling mock up. Will your game stand out artistically?
15% Excellence
5% The slides look good and are effective
5% There is something unusual or interesting in the game mechanics, technical mechanics or artistic style
5% Your game is selected