
  1. Artistic director chooses show
  2. Attempt to get rights
    1. Nearby productions
    2. Upcoming Broadway
      1. When reputation is big enough, asking could change this!
    3. Rights holder
  3. Artistic director chooses director
  4. Funding
    1. Grants, Sponsors, Individuals
  5. Director chooses staff
    1. Designers
    2. Cast (w/ casting director)
  6. Marketing
    1. Pitch stories to press
    2. Photos, ads, flyers, ...
    3. Ticket sales, groups, subscriptions
  7. Rehearsals / Build
    1. ~1 month out
    2. Small company may need to rent space
  8. Tech
    1. Costumes, Sets, Actors
    2. Set cues (light, sound, set change, costume change)
  9. Preview
    1. Still making changes
    2. May review toward end of preview
  10. Opening
    1. Show doesn't change after this
    2. Length of run and perf per week determined by company size