CMSC 491E/691E: Computer Graphics for Games
Assignment 1
Due February 5, 2004
The Assignment
- Choose a machine (preferably with hardware graphics
acceleration) to use for at least the next three assignments. You
will need C++ development tools on this machine. Wild Magic
- Download the latest Wild Magic from
Magic Software
(Version 0.2 is on the CD that came with your book, but version
2.2 is the latest downloadable version). You do not need "Game
Physics" (that's for a different book).
- Determine what other libraries you need and get them too. Look
to the Wild Magic release notes for which these are. At the very
least, you'll need OpenGL or DirectX (one or both may already be
installed on your system, and new drivers can often be found on
your graphics card manufacturer's web site – as a last
resort, the Mesa software OpenGL libraries should work)
- Build Wild Magic and its sample applications
- Modify one of the existing sample applications to render a
model with texture and lighting. If the application you choose to
modify already does one or more of these, change it: use a
different model, different texture, different lights.
- Be creative! I'll give up to 5 points extra credit for
What to turn in
Email to me a zip file or gzipped tar file containing:
- Your new or modified source files
- A plain-text README.txt file describing the process you went
through for this assignment and any pitfalls you ran into. Be
sure to tell me which application you used as a starting point
and what modifications you made!
- A screen shot of your new application in action