
Dr. Marc Olano <>
Office hours: Online on Webex Teams (text) and Zoom (video), MW 4:00-5:15


Tiantian Xie <>
Office hours: Online on Webex Teams (text) and Webex Meeting (video), F 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Course Description

Introduction to graphics systems, rasterization, clipping, transformations, modeling, viewing, hidden surface removal, illumination, and shading. Emphasis on realistic, 3D image synthesis.



MATH 221 (Linear Algebra), CMSC 313 (or other class covering C, C++, and binary logic), CMSC 341 (Data Structures)
(Yes, we will make heavy use of the prerequisites)



Possibly useful


These are the weights for graded elements of this class:

What When Weight
Assn 1 Feb 3/14 10%
Assn 2 Feb 28 10%
Assn 3 Mar 21 10%
Midterm Exam Mar 24-26 15%
Assn 4 Apr 11 10%
Assn 5 Apr 25 10%
Assn 6 May 9 10%
Final Exam May 14-15 25%

Programming assignments require the use of the C/C++ programming language. These assignments may be time-consuming. START EARLY! Students taking the course for graduate credit (as CMSC 634) will be expected to do additional parts on each assignment.

Assignments are to be submitted electronically as a tagged git "release" by 11:59 PM on the day they are due. Assignments may be submitted up to two days late for a penalty of 5 percent of the possible score per day. Each student gets four "free late" days to use at any time during the semester. Some assignments will have extra credit, which will only be available if submitted on time, or when using the free late day(s). Any free late days must be claimed by email on or before the original due date. Assignment solutions will be discussed in class on the Wednesday after their due date, so any assignment submitted more than two days late will receive a score of 0, whether you have more free late days available or not. If you have any questions or concerns about your assignment grades, you must raise those email no later than one week after the grades for that assignment have been released.

Class Topics

These will be linked to slides and lecture recordings as the class proceeds

Tentative Schedule

I'll update the online version of this schedule as we go. Check here for updates.

UMBC Policies

Please see this document for UMBC Policies and Resources, including: