Now with color coded updates, new.....old
Instructor: Dr. Marc Olano (
TA: Pengyu (Laura) Liu (
Prerequisites: Math 221, CMSC 341
Text: Introduction to Computer Graphics, James Foley, Andries vanDam, Steven Feiner, John Hughes, and Richard Phillips, Addison-Wesley, 1994. Required.
Description: Introduction to graphics systems, rasterization, clipping, transformations, modeling, viewing, hidden surface removal, illumination, and shading. Emphasis on realistic, 3D image synthesis.
Programming assignments require the use of the C/C++ programming language. These assignments may be time-consuming. START EARLY! A tentative list is given below:
Assignment | Relative Weight | Description | Due Date |
Assn 1 | 1 | Simple Scene | Sep 10 |
Assn 2 | 3 | Rasterizer | Sep 24 |
Assn 3 | 2 | Modeling (opt/grad) | Oct 4 |
Assn 4 | 2 | Modeled Scene | Oct 21 |
Assn 5 | 2 | Viewing Pipeline | Nov 4 |
Assn 6 | 2 | Zbuffer (opt/grad) | Nov 12 |
Assn 7 | 3 | Ray Tracing | Nov 27 |
Assn 8 | 2 | Shader | Dec 9 |
Students taking the course for graduate credit (i.e. CMSC 634) will be expected to do extra readings and extra assignments (or parts of assignments).
Problem sets may be provided sporadically through the semester. These are provided for study purposes only, and will not be graded.
Problem Set |
1: BSP trees |
All assignments and exams in the course are expected to be your INDIVIDUAL work. You may discuss assignments with anyone. Any help you receive, however, must be documented. At the beginning of each program you must include a comment indicating the sources you used while working on it (excluding course staff and text) and the type of help you received from each. If you received no help, say so. Failure to include this comment at the top of your program will result in your program being returned ungraded.
Date | Topic | Required Reading |
Aug 28 | Overview | |
Sep 4 | Display | C 1, 4.1-4.3 |
Sep 9/11 | Rasterization: lines and pgons | C 3.1-3.2, 3.4-3.7 |
Sep 16/18 | Rasterization: clipping and curves | C 3.3, 3.8-3.11 |
Sep 23/25 | Modeling | C 9 |
Sep 30/Oct 2 | Transforms: 2D and 3D | C 5 |
Oct 7/9 | Transforms: hierarchical;MIDTERM | C 7.1 |
Oct 14/16 | Viewing | C 6 |
Oct 21/23 | Viewing; Visibility; | C 13 |
Oct 28/30 | Visibility | |
Nov 4/6 | Light; Realism | C 11 |
Nov 11/13 | Illumination | C 14.1-14.3 |
Nov 18/20 | Illumination | C 14.5-14.7 |
Nov 25/27 | Illumination | C 14.4,14.8-14.9 |
Dec 2/4 | Advanced Topics | |
Dec 9 | Advanced Topics | |
Dec 16 | Final Exam, 1-3pm |
RenderMan Resources
OpenGL Resources |