With the bulk of the class behind you know, repeat assignment 2 for your original object plus one new object. I expect more complex shaders this time, with more theoretical backing on choice of illumination model, surface and/or subsurface effects, etc.
On May 12th, I'd like to spend just a couple of minutes for each of you to show your original object, shader results, and tell the class about the shader you created. To avoid spending too much time switching computers, we'll just show images or video of the shaders rather than live demos. Let me know in the README file in your submission what files you would like to show so I can have them loaded up and ready to go.
Turn in all files for your shaders, any support code, textures, and model files, and whatever interesting image, images or animation you feel will best show off your efforts. You should also check in an informal one to two page write-up in a file named README in your assignment directory. While the write-up may be informal, I will count off for spelling and grammar. Please proofread before you turn it in. The write-up shoud describe what help you got, if any, what you did, how you did it, how well you think it worked, and what further work you might do. Include what hardware and software you used (it is not necessary to use the gl.umbc systems, though you must submit there), and what files you'd like to use at the show and tell.
Turn files into the new assn4 directory in your class repository. This new directory is in the repository, but not on your local computer. To get a copy, you'll need to pull andupdate (analogous to commit and push when submitting changes). With command-line hg, you'd run these commands in your local copy:
hg pull hg update
Once again, I strongly recommend committing your changes often as you work on the assignment. It is your choice whether to push each commit or wait until the end.
(This page: userpages.cs.umbc.edu/olano/635/assn5.html)