Charles K. Nicholas
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Office: ITE 356
410-455-2594, -3969 fax
I received my B.S. in Computer Science from the University of
Michigan - Flint in 1979, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer
Science from Ohio State University in 1982 and 1988, respectively. I
joined the Computer Science Department at the University of Maryland
Baltimore County in 1988.
My research interests include electronic document processing, intelligent
information systems, and software engineering. In recent years I have focused
on the problems of storing and retrieving information from large collections
of documents. Intelligent software agents are an important aspect of this work.
Here is a list of various publications available on-line. I do need to add some of my more recent work.
- A somewhat expanded version of the paper Randy Dahlberg and I
presented at PODDP'98 Spotting Topics
with the Singular Value Decomposition. The copyright for this
paper is held by Springer-Verlag
- The paper
Meta-data for Distributed Text Retrieval that Grace Crowder and I
presented at the SIGIR'97 Workshop on Network Information Retrieval,
Philadelphia, August 1997.
- The paper TKQML: A Scripting Tool
for Building Agents presented at the conference Agent Theories,
Architectures and Languages (ATAL'97), Providence, RI, July 1997.
- The poster session paper Agent
Development Support for Tcl presented at the Fifth Tcl/Tk
Workshop, Boston, July 1997.
- The paper
Resource Selection in CAFE: An Architecture for Networked Information
Retrieval that Grace Crowder and I presented at the SIGIR'96
Workshop on Network Information Retrieval, Zurich, August 1996.
- The paper Using
Statistical Properties of Text to Create Metadata that Grace
Crowder and I presented at the First IEEE Metadata Conference, April
- My SIGIR 95 Trip Report.
- Kenneth E. Rowe and Charles K. Nicholas, "Reliability
of WWW Name Servers", presented at WWW'95, Darmstadt, Germany,
April 1995. You can also see the HTML
presentation I gave at WWW 95, and my WWW 95
Trip Report
- Intelligent Web Servers
and the Automatic Construction of HTML Documents (with Jim
Mayfield, UMBC Computer Science Technical Report 94-01, January 1994.)
- SNITCH: Augmenting Hypertext
Documents with a Semantic Net (with Jim Mayfield, International
Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems, June
Canto: A Hypertext Data Model (with Linda Rosenberg, Electronic
Publishing, June 1993.) (Authors' page proof - send e-mail for an
- Category Theory as a Foundation for
Document Processing (with Jim Mayfield and Jim Sasaki)
- On the Interchangeability of
SGML and ODA (with L. Welsch, Electronic Publishing - Origination,
Dissemination and Design, September 1992. )
I teach a variety of courses, including CS 201 Computer Science I, CS 331 Principles
of Programming Languages, and topics courses.
I am involved in the ACM's International Conference
on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
I volunteer my time as system administrator at New
Hope Lutheran Church, in Columbia, MD. I am also involved in the Via
de Cristo.