
Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr.

Home Page

Short Biographical Sketch

Representative Publications


  • Video: The Non-Abelian Fourier Transform and Quantum Computation

  • Recent Advances in Quantum Information Theory I'm working as fast as I can. *** Under Construction ***

  • Higher Dimensional Knot Theory I'm working as fast as I can. *** Under Construction ***

  • Continuous Quantum Hidden Subgroup Algorithms

  • Slide on Quantum Measurement

  • Supported by the DARPA QuIST Program
    Four Lectures on Quantum Computing given at the
    University of Virginia
    NSF Workshop on Coding
    Theory and Quantum Computing

  • Introduction to Coding Theory

  • Lecture on Distributed Quantum Computing

    A talk given at the CASPR Workshop on June 16, 2004. (3MB)

  • Introduction to Quantum Cryptography, or How Alice Outwits Eve

    A talk given at the University of Rome joint
    Mathematics/Physics Colloquium on March 2, 2005. (3.5MB)

  • Four Lectures on Quantum Computing given at Oxford University in July 2006

  • Clifford Lecture, Tulane University, March 2008
    Title: Quantum Knots and Mosaics

  • AMS Short Course
    Quantum Computation & Quantum Information
    Washington, DC
    January 3-4, 2009

  • Lecture Given at the University of Texas at Tyler at the
    Conference on Representation Theory, Quantum Field Theory,
    Category Theory, Mathematical Physics and Quantum Information Theory
    October, 2009

    Title:Quantum Knots and Lattices: An Intuitive Overview

  • Lecture given at the George Washington University Joint Math/Physics
    Quantum Computing Colloquium, October, 2009

    Title:A Rosetta Stone for Quantum Computing

  • Lecture given at Knots in Chicago held at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois in 2010
    Title:Quantum Braids and Mosaics

  • Lecture given at Simons Conferenence on New Trends in Quantum Computation
    hels at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY on November 16, 2010

    Title:Quantum Knots and Their Applications

  • Lecture given at Special Session on Quantum Information & Computation,
    held at SPIE Conference in Orlando, Florida in 2011

    Title:Quantum Braids and the General Quantization Procedure

  • Lecture given at the Princeton University Math Department
    Algebraic Topology Seminar on April 25, 2013

    Title:The Geometry of Fox's Free Calculus and Higher Dimensional Knots

  • Lecture given at UMBC Quantum Computation Seminar
    November 5, 2013

    Title:The Strange World of Quantum Computing

  • Lecture given at Knots in Hellas 2016
    18-23 July 2016
    Title: The Geometry of Fox's Free Calculus with Applications to Higher Dimensional Knots

  • Lecture given at the 10-th Vigier Conference, Portonovo, Italy
    24-28 July 2016
    Title: How to Build a Device that Cannot Be Built

  • Lecture given at Roger Fenn's International INTERNET Course on Knot Theory
    2 July 2020
    Title: Quantum Knots & Mosaics: Revisited

  • Lecture given Knots & Physics Seminar
    16 December 2021
    Title: How to Build a Device that Cannot Be Built: Revisited

    Last modified: December 16, 2021