Please enclose the following with your requests for letters of recommendation: 1) A copy of a recent resume 2) A copy of a recent transcript (A non-official copy is fine.) 3) A signed waiver of your right to see the letter(s) of recommendation. No letter of recommendation will be written without a signed waiver. 4) A brief description of the job position(s) and/or the educational program(s) you are applying to. This should include the name(s) and address(s) to which you wish the letter(s) of recommendation sent. 5) A list of your accomplishments that you feel are important for the job position(s) and/or educational program(s) you are applying to. 6) Any other material that you feel is relevant or helpful for someone writing a letter of recommendation 7) A self addressed stamped envelope for returning materials to you. 8) An email address, in case I have any questions.