Ph.D. Student Department of CS and EE University of Maryland, Baltimore County Email: krishna(011)10 AT umbc DOT edu Blog: |
CMSC 678: Introduction to Machine Learning
Instructor: Dr. Tim Oates
CMSC 673: Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Instructor: Dr. Sergei Nirenburg
CMSC 601: Basic Research Skills
Instructor: Dr. Charles Nicholas
CMSC 671: Principles of Artificial Intelligence
Instructor: Dr. Tim Finin
CMSC 676: Introduction to Information Retrieval
Instructor: Dr. Charles Nicholas
CMSC 691s: Special Topics in CS: The Semantic Web
Instructor: Dr. Tim Finin
CMSC 641: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Instructor: Dr. Alan Sherman
CMSC 681: Advanced Computer Networks
Instructor: Dr. Deepinder Sidhu
CMSC 621: Advanced Operating Systems
Instructor: Dr. Deepinder Sidhu
CMSC 611: Advanced Computer Architecture
Instructor: Dr. Marc Olano