
The publications listed here are mostly pre 1998. My CV is usually a more reliable source for an exhaustive list of my publications, and lags them usually by no more than 3-4 months. On-line versions of publications stemming from my research since 1998 can be found at the ebiquity web site by following the link to papers, or at the site I maintain for our web mining project.

[Books] [Book Chapters] [Journals] [Refereed Conferences] [Conferences/Workshops with Refereed Abstracts]
[Non refereed publications] [Select subset of submissions to journals & conferences ]


  Ahmed Elmagarmid, Haitao Jiang, Abdelsalam Helal, Anupam Joshi, and Magdy Ahmad, Video Database Systems: Issues, Products and Applications, Kluwer Academic, 1997.

Book Chapters

  E. Houstis, J.R. Rice, N.Ramakrishnan, T. Drashansky, S.Weerawarana, Anupam Joshi,  and C. Houstis, Multidisciplinary Problem Solving Environments for Computational Science, to appear in Advances in Computers, Academic Press, New York, 1997


Joshi, Anupam, Drashanksy, T., Rice, J.R., Weerawarana, S. and Houstis, E.N., ``Multiagent Simulation of Complex Heterogeneous Models in Scientific Computing'', IMACS Math. and Comp. in Simulation, 44, pp 43-59, 1997.

Weerawarana, S., Joshi, Anupam, Houstis, E. and Catlin, A. , ``Notebook interfaces for networked scientific computing: Design and WWW Implementation'', Concurrency: Practice & Experience,9:7, 1997, pp 675-695.

Weerawarana, S., Houstis, E., Rice, J.R., Joshi, Anupam and Houstis, C., ``PYTHIA: A Knowledge Based System to Select Scientific Algorithms'', ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 22:4, pp 447-468,1997.

Joshi, Anupam, Ramakrishnan, N., and Houstis, E.N., MultiAgent Systems to Support Networked Scientific Computing, accepted (subject to revisions) in IEEE Internet Computing.

Drashansky, T., Weerawarana, S, Joshi, Anupam, Weerasinghe, R. and Houstis, E., "Software Architecture of Ubiquitous Scientific Computing Environments", ACM - Baltzer Mobile Networks and Nomadic Applications, 1:4, pp 421-432, 1996.

Jiang, H., Helal, A., Elmagarmid, A.K., Joshi, Anupam, ``Scene Change Detection for Video Database Management Systems - A Survey'', accepted for publication in ACM Multimedia Journal.

Joshi, Anupam, Ramakrishnan, N., Rice, John R., and Houstis, Elias, ``On Neurobiological, NeuroFuzzy and Statistical Pattern Recognition Techniques'', IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 8:1, pp, 18-31, 1996.

Joshi, Anupam, Weerawarana, S., Houstis, E., Rice, J.R., Ramakrishnan, N, ``Neuro-Fuzzy Support for Problem Solving Environments: A step towards automated solution of PDEs'', IEEE Computational Science & Engineering, Spring 1996, pp 44-56.

Drashansky, T., Joshi, Anupam, Weerawarana, S. and Houstis, E., ``SciencePad: Scientific Computing in a Ubiquitous Environment'', Intl. J. Microcomputer Applications, 15:3,1996 .

Joshi, Anupam and Lee, C.H. ``Correspondence problem in range data and some inelastic uses of elastic nets'', IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 6:3, pp 716-723, 1995.

Lee, C.H. and Joshi, Anupam, ``On correspondence, Line tokens and Missing Tokens'', Pattern Recognition 28:11, pp. 1751-1764, 1995.

Lee, C.H. and Joshi, Anupam, ``Correspondence problem in Image Sequence Analysis'', Pattern Recognition 26:1, pp. 47-61, 1993.

Joshi, Anupam and Lee, C.H. ``Backpropagation learns Marr's operator'', Biological Cybernetics 70:1, pp. 65-73 , 1993.

Refereed Conferences

Conferences/Workshops with Refereed Abstracts Non refereed publications Select subset of submissions to journals & conferences