CMSC 491W/691W
This document describes the mechanisms and modalities of your course
project. Listed at the end of this description are several possible
project themes. You will form groups of four and chose one of these project
areas. The areas will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.
In general, I will expect that each group will chose a different project
theme. If you chose the same area as another group, then you must make
sure that your focussed projects do not overlap. The projects are
a mix of those that will involve heavy programming and light
experimentation, and those that will involve light programming but
detailed experimentation and analysis.
In the first two weeks, you will do preliminary reading in the area. I
suggest you look at recent journal articles, web pages of research projects
in this area, technical magazines etc., and narrow the focus of your project.
The course resources web page will contain pointers to many ongoing projects in industrial and academic research labs -- this could provide you with a starting point. Other places to explore include IEEE TKDE, ACM TODS, the KDD Journal,
proceedings of the annual KDD conference, IEEE ICDE, ACM SIGMOD, ACM DMKD etc.
You will meet with me and seek approval for your proposed project by
3/6/99. At this meeting, please present a 1-2 page document outlining
the project specification. This document should reference the reading
you have done thus far, describe deliverables, and include a
timeline. It should also have a URL for a web page you will maintain
for your project. I suggest that you appoint, by rotation, a person to
manage the group. This person can take care of details such as
setting up meetings and so on.
During the week of April 8, you will give 20-25 minute presentations
which reflect both the state-of-the-art/practice in the area you are working
on, and also gives an outline of your own work thus far.
- Your final project report and demo will be due during the exam
week. You will need to arrange for a demo during either the final
week, or the week just preceeding it.
Possible Project Areas
Mining Multimedia Databases
- Generating Hierarchical Visual Summaries from
Videos/Image Sequences
- Extracting and Mining
Characteristics ( and metadata) from Images/Videos
Data Warehousing/Mining
- Comparitive Analysis of Algorithms
- Characterization Algorithm behaviour in presence of Noise.
- Web Mining
- Mining Web Access Logs by Implementing an Algorithm
- Compartitive Analysis of Algorithms
- Combining Document Analysis Techniques with Log Mining
Web Personalization: What data should be gathered ? How to use the results of
mining to deliver personalized content ?
Intrusion Detection through Mining Usage patterns.