CMSC 491W / 691W
Web and Data Mining
Spring 1999

 This 3 credit course will cover the fundamentals of data mining from both the database and pattern recognition perspectives. Also, we will study how mining can work in semi-structured environments such as the web. Emphasis will be placed on both understanding the basics as well as the new and emerging technologies. While a text may be prescribed, most of the reading will be from papers. There will be a significant  group project.

Prerequisites: CSEE senior or graduate (or equivalent). Must have UG level background in either databases (e.g. CMSC 461) or AI/Pattern Recognition (e.g. CMSC471) . Talk to the instructor if you would like to take the course, but are not sure of your background.

Likely Topics:

Instructor: Prof. Anupam Joshi (, 455-2590)