1. S. Ramaswamy, T. Ono-Tesfaye, W.W. Armstrong and P. Gburzynski
    Equivalent Bandwidth Characterization for Real-time CAC in ATM Networks

  2. Kai-Wei Ke and Chin-Tau Lea
    Optimization of Call Admission in a Reduced State Space

  3. Quan Sun and Host Langendorfer
    An Efficient DElay-Constrained Multicast Routing Algorithm

  4. Yuval Shavitt, Baruch Awerbuch, Yi Du, Bilal Khan
    Routing Through Networks with Hierarchical Topology Aggregation

Special Issue on Quality of Service Routing and Signaling

Guest Editors: Debanjan Saha and Satish Tripathi
  1. G. Apostolopoulos, R.Guerin, S.Kamat and S.K. Tripathi
    On Reducing the Processing Cost of On-demand QoS Path Computation

  2. C.Pornavalai, G.Chakraborty and N.Shiratori
    QoS Based Routing Algorithm in Integrated Services Packet Networks

  3. B.Rajagopalan and R.Nair
    Multicast Routing With Resource Reservation

  4. A.Segall, P.Bhagwat and A.Krishna
    QoS Routing using Alternate Paths

  5. P.P.White and J.Crowcroft
    A Case for Dynamic Sender-Based Reservations in the Internet

Special Issue on Multimedia Networking

Guest Editors: Debanjan Saha and Satish Tripathi
  1. Sartit Mukherjee, D. Reininger and B. Sengupta
    An Adaptive Connection Admission Control Policy for VBP+ Service Class

  2. Olov Schelen and Stephen Pink
    Resource Sharing in Advance Reservation Agents

  3. Klara Nahrstedt, Hao-hua Chu and Srinivas Narayan
    QoS-aware Resource Management for Distributed Multimedia Applications

  4. Hugh M. Smith, Matt W. Mutka and Diane T. Rover
    AFeedback Based Rate Control Algorithm for Multicast Transmitted Vedio Conferencing

  5. Wu0chi Feng, Chi Chung Lam and Ming Liu
    Implementing Fast Bandwidth Smoothing Algorithms for The Delivery of Compressed Vedio Streams

  6. Robin Karvets, Ken Calvert and Karsten Schwan
    Payoff Adaptation of Communication for Distributed Interactive Applications

  7. G. Robert Malan, Farnam Jahaniam and Sushila Subramanian
    Attribute-based Data Dissemination for Internet Applications

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